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MD SPORTS TC100Y22019 Assembly Instructions Manual page 6


Foul Line
20 ft.
Object of the Game
Players take turns throwing washers at the target ring. The first player/team to reach 21 points wins!
How to Play
Standard Scoring Method
The game can be played by two players or by two teams with a maximum of three players each. You can choose the washer color and
which player or team goes first by tossing a washer. The first player or team tosses 5 washers followed by the second player or team. The
player or team that earns points for that round tallies their score and starts the next round. Play continues until one player or team
reaches 21 points after all 10 washers have been tossed in any one round and all points have been tallied.
Washers must be tossed underhand. Each player must stand behind the Foul Line when tossing a washer. A player loses that turn and
does not receive points for tossing a washer if his or her foot is over the Foul Line. Players are not allowed to try to obstruct or distract
another player who is tossing a washer.
Standard Scoring Method
Optional Scoring Method
3 Points
1 Point total
No Points
No points, the washers cancel each other out.
1 Point
Optional Scoring Method
Three points are awarded for a washer that lands on a Scoring Target. One point is awarded for a washer that lands on the Foldable Case
but not on the Scoring Target. One point is awarded if a washer straddles a Scoring Target but does not fall onto the Scoring Target. A
washer does not score any points if it touches the rim of the Foldable Case. If a player's washer knocks another washer onto the Scoring
Target or onto the Foldable Case, the knocked in washer gains the appropriate points.
Canceling Points using the Optional Scoring Method
Neither washer receives points if it touches a Scoring Target or Foldable Case and the washer of an opponent touches the same region
of the Target. If two or more washers, tossed by the same player or team, land on a Scoring Target or Foldable Case, each washer tossed
onto the same Target area by an opponent, then cancels one of the first player's or team's washers. Points are only counted for the
remaining washers not matched by an opponent's washers either on the Scoring Target or on the Foldable Case. Points are awarded
for that round only to the player or team with the highest score.
A washer must land on the Foldable Case or Scoring Target to earn points.
3 points = on the Scoring Target
1 point = on the Foldable Case
1 point = a washer straddling the Scoring Target is considered to have landed on the Foldable Case.
0 point = all other areas
Winning the Game
The opposing player or team must be given the opportunity to take its turn if the first player or team scores 21 points or more in a round.
If the opposing player or team reaches 21 points or more in that round, then the team with the highest cumulative score wins the game.
In the event of a tie, the game enters "sudden death" mode and the player or team with the most points at the end of the "sudden
death" round wins the game. Rounds are only completed when all 10 washers have been tossed.
(Continued on the next page)

