Precautions And Safety Instructions; Upozornžn' A Bezpe‹Nostn' Pokyny - Samsung 8 VP-W70U Owner's Instruction Book

Video camcorder
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Precautions and Safety Instructions

Taking care of the battery pack
Do not allow any metal objects to touch
the terminals, as this can cause
a short circuit and damage the battery
Keep the terminals clean.
The camera, adapter or battery pack will not work
properly if the terminals are dirty.
Check them before use, and wipe them with a dry
cloth or tissue if necessary.
Precautions regarding the LENS
Do not let the LENS point
toward the sun.
Direct sunlight can damage
the CCD.
(*CCD: Charge Coupled
Upozornžn' a bezpe‹nostn' pokyny
Vžnujte pozornost baterii
ZabraÀte moÏnosti dotyku kovov˘ch
pfiedmûtÛ s kontakty baterie. Mohou
zpÛsobit zkrat a po‰kození baterie.
UdrÏujte kontakty baterie v ãistotû!
Videokamera, síÈov˘ adaptér a baterie nebudou
správnû pracovat, pokud budou jejich kontakty
Pfied pouÏitím zkontrolujte jejich stav a pokud je
to nutné, oãistûte je suchou mûkkou látkou nebo
papírov˘m kapesníkem.
Upozornžn', vztahuj'c' se k Objektivu
Nezamûfiujte objektiv na
Pfiímé sluneãní svûtlo by
mohlo po‰kodit snímaã CCD.


Table of Contents

This manual is also suitable for:

Hi8 vp-w70Hi8 vp-w71Hi8 vp-w75Hi8 vp-w75d

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