DVD Recording
After you load a disc into the DVD recorder's disc tray, there are several ways to record programming. When you insert a blank disc, the DVD recorder
will need to format the disc so you may need to wait several seconds. The quickest way to start recording is to press the RECORD button while you're
watching a show (the recording banner appears). You don't even need to remember to press the stop button if you use the Express Recording feature (see
Note: When you stop recording, the
DVD recorder takes several seconds
to save information to the disc. A
still frame of the recording may
appear on the screen before you are
returned to TV viewing.
When you record to a DVD±R disc, you
must fi nalize it before you can play it in
another DVD player. The DVD recorder
automatically asks you if you want to
fi nalize a disc when it is fi nished recording.
If you need to fi nalize a disc later, select the
Disc menu from main menu, then select
Finalize Disc and press OK. Once the disc
is fi nalized you won't be able to change the
name of the disc or the name of the titles on
the disc.
The Schedule menu, with a timer
recording schedule set up.
Chapter 2: Recording and Playback
DVD±R 2.4x, 4x, 8x, and 16x ONLY; These are write-once discs and can't be erased.
DVD±RW 2.4x and 4x ONLY. These are rewritable discs which can be erased and reused for recording.
This recorder is not compatible with DVD-RAM, CD-R, or CD-RW discs for recording.
The fi rst time you load a disc, the DVD recorder will format it. This should only take
a few seconds.
Remember, if you're using a DVD±R disc you must fi nalize it if you want to play the
disc in another DVD player (page 35). The DVD recorder automatically asks you if
you want to fi nalize a disc when it is fi nished recording.
IMPORTANT: It is NOT possible to record content that is copy-protected. This is
usually true for most pre-recorded DVD discs and many pre-recorded VHS tapes.
Express Recording
When you press the RECORD button on the remote or on the front of the DVD recorder, the
Express Recording screen appears. Here you can choose the duration of the recording. For the
duration, each time you press RECORD, the recording time increases by 30 minutes, up to the
maximum limit. The DVD recorder will record for the amount of time you specifi ed and then
stop automatically. At anytime during the recording, you can stop the recording. To resume the
recording, press RECORD again.
Timer Recordings
The Schedule menu allows you to schedule recordings from TV programming or components you
have connected to the DVD recorder.
Note: In order for Timer Recordings to work, you must set the clock to the correct
time and date.
Setting Up a Timer Recording
Press SETUP on the remote control to bring up the DVD recorder's Main menu.
Press the down arrow button until Schedule is highighted and press OK. The Schedule menu
Highlight the New Schedule icon and press OK.
The start time is highlighted, so press OK to change it. Use the up and down arrows or number
buttons to enter the hour.
Press the right arrow to highlight the minutes, then use the up and down arrows or number
buttons to enter the minutes.
Press the right arrow to highlight AM or PM, then use the up and down arrows to change the
time of day.
Press the right arrow to move to the date fi eld, and follow the same steps to change the date.
Enter all the rest of the information for the timer recording, including the end time, source (AV
1, AV2, DV, AUDIO, Tuner), recurrence (Once, Daily, Weekly), and record quality (HQ, SP,
LP. EP, EP+, SLP).
When fi nished, highlight Add and press OK. The new timer recording will appear in the list.
To edit a timer recording, highlight the Pencil icon and press OK. Change the settings and then
highlight and select Update.
Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only.
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