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Operation - Bauer 211102E-B Owner's Manual

Electric handheld blower


Operating instructions
read the EntirE iMpOrtant SaFEty inFOrMatiOn section at the beginning of this
manual including all text under subheadings therein before set up or use of this product.
tO prEVEnt SEriOuS inJury FrOM FLyinG DEBriS:
Wear long pants, long sleeves and protective footwear. Wear anSi-approved
safety goggles, dust mask, hearing protectors, and gloves.


tO aVOiD SEriOuS inJury anD prOpErty DaMaGE:
inspect the area before using the Blower. remove all hard objects from work area.
Do not blow debris in the direction of people, animals or property.
use both hands when operating Blower.
1. Assemble Blower according to
Assembly Instructions on page 8.
cautiOn! the Blower tube helps prevent contact
with internal moving parts. to prevent injury, do
not use the Blower without the tube attached.
note: Rake or sweep to loosen debris if necessary.
2. Turn Control Dial off and then plug the
power cord into an extension cord.
power cord
note: Tie Extension Cord to Blower's
Power Cord using the Cord Retainer.
3. Plug extension cord into a grounded 120VAC outlet.
Item 58905
For technical questions, please call 1-888-866-5797.
4. Hold Blower with both hands, with the
Tube several inches off the ground.
5. Control Dial:
• 1 turns Blower on to low speed
• 2 is medium speed
• 3 is high speed
• 0 turns Blower off
6. Sweep Blower from side to side.
7. When finished turn Blower off. To prevent accidents:
• Unplug the power cord.
• Wipe external surfaces of the appliance
with clean cloth. Store in a dry, indoor
area out of reach of children.
control Dial
Page 9



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