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NAUTICA AERO N100 Manual page 17


Auto Takeoff and Landing
Turn ON the autopilot function by tapping TURN ON
AUTOPILOT button. Auto takeoff and landing
buttons will appear on the screen (see the image
Application Screen).
First tap the ON button and it will activate the joystick
function on the application. (See the image
Application Screen). Use these virtual joysticks just as
the physical ones on the remote control to navigate
the movements of your drone. Consult "Movements
and Trim" section under "Flight with Remote
Control" to understand how to use joysticks for
controlling drone movements.
Photo and Video Shoot With Hand Sense
The Hand Sense system of Nautica Aero N100 enables
you to take photos and videos with your hand
movements during the flight and lets these images to be
saved on your smart device.
In order to enable this function, go to Settings as shown
in the previous image (See Flight with smartphone
section) and choose. You will then see a frame on the
screen after turns yellow.
Show your hand with your palm open to the camera
, placing it in the frame on the screen. The camera
will shoot a photo after 3 seconds.
Show your hand to the camera making a fist
it in the frame, and the camera will start video-recording
after 3 seconds.
, placing

