Power On/Off; Playing Music - Coby MP-C858 User Manual

Coby electronics digital audio player w/ voice recorder user's manual mp-c858
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Power On/Off

Ho ld F unc tion
The Hold s witc h lo cks/unlock s the joy stic k an d b utto ns
on yo ur playe r to prevent the m fr om bein g p ress ed
ac cidentally.
Ho ld Off:
S lide the HOLD switc h in the opp osite di rection
o f the arr ow mar king on your pla yer to u nlock
the p laye r.
Ho ld On:
S lide the HO LD switc h in the dire ctio n of the
a rrow to lock your playe r. Th e sc ree n wi ll
display the "l ock " symbo l sho wn belo w.
Turning Power On and Off:
Power On:
Press and hold
The screen will display the CO BY logo first, and then
the remaining sto rage c apacity of your player.
Power Off:
P ress a nd ho ld
"Contin e Holding on To Pow er Off". Do not
release the button until the screen displays
to turn your playe r on.
. The screen will display
Play a Mus ic Tr ack
1.Enter the Mus ic m ode (se e "Musi c" in the
O ptio ns
section o f th is m anu al fo r more infor ma tion ).
2.P ress
t o st art p lay bac k.
Pau se/ Stop Playba ck
1.To pa use pla yba ck, pres s
re sum e p layb ack.
2.To sto p p layb ack , press a nd hold
(i e, until t he scree n d isplays " Con tinu e H olding o n To
Powe r Of f"). P ress
a gain to resume pla yba ck.
The light of the world
Forwar d/Rever se
1.P ress
t o se lect the next track.
2.P ress
to se lect the pre viou s tra ck.
Fas t Fo rwa rd/R eve rse
1.P ress and hol d
to fast forw ard thro ugh a t rack
durin g playback.
2.P ress and hol d
to reverse thro ugh a trac k during
p layb ack .
Vol ume Co ntro l
1.P ress Volume
to de cre ase the volume .
2.P ress Volume
to inc rea se the v olume.

Playing Music

Me nu
onc e. P ress
aga in to
005/008 0 2:29/0 4: 16
The light of the wor ld
for 2 se con ds
005 /0 08 0 2:29 /0 4: 16
0 0 5/ 00 8 02 :2 9/ 04:16
The light of the w orld


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