A-B R Epea T Mode - Coby MP-C858 User Manual

Coby electronics digital audio player w/ voice recorder user's manual mp-c858
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Settings Menu
LR C (L yric )
Se lec t Lyr ic to set you r pl aye r's ly ric displ ay O n o r Off.
Ly ric disp lay r equires a ".LRC" lyric file . Ly ric files may
be fo und on t he inter net or c an b e c reated with a Ly ric
fil e editor . Lyr ic files s hould have the sam e n ame as its
corre spo ndin g m usic file and be pla ced in the same
direc tory (eg , "So ngT itle1.lrc " an d "So ngTitle 1.m p3") .
LA N ( Languag es)
Se lec t La nguage s to set the lang uag e th at y our pla yer's
m enu s wi ll be disp lay ed i n. O ptio ns a re E nglish,
Ge rman , Fren ch an d Port ugues e.
A-B Repeat mode allows you to define a segment of an
audio tra ck to be played repeatedly on a loop.
Start Point "A"
During music or voice file playback, press the MODE
key b riefly to set the start po int of the audio segment
loop. The screen will display "A-".
End Point "B"
Press the MODE key briefly again to set the end point
of the audio segment loop. The screen will display
"A-B ".
S panis h,
This a udio segment will now pla y repea tedly in a loop.
Press the MODE key briefly again to resume normal
A-B Repeat Mode (Loop)


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