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Balboa Pure spas Manual page 2


Pure spas manual
First start-up
When the electricity has been activated on the spa, the spa will start up automatically. When the spa
starts up, 'Pr' will appear in the screen of the control panel. 'Pr' stands for Priming mode and takes
exactly 4 minutes before spa starts running in Standard mode. The circulation pump will start
running, and the water temperature will be measured.
Set time
Everytime the spa will be switched on, you have to set the time. This is very important because of the
filter cycle settings. To set the time, press on
and afterwards on
. As you can see, you can set
the hours. To set current time, press
just once. The time will run up or down
automatically. To stop the time press on
. When you have set the current time, press on
to set the time.
Set the temperature
In the display, you will see the current water temperature. By pressing
, you will see the
set temperature. By pressing
, the set temperature will rise. By pressing
, the temperature
will go down. Everytime you press the 'warm' or 'cool' button, the set temperature will change with
0,5°C. When you have set the desired temperature, wait 3 to 5 seconds. After 3 to 5 seconds, the
desired temperature has been set, and the spa will heat the water(when necessary).
There are 3 different modes on the spa. Standard, Economy and Sleep. In the display, you can see
which mode is currently running.
Standard mode:
The standard mode makes sure, the water will always be on the desired temperature. This means
you can be sure, you can use the spa anytime you want!
Economy mode:
The economy mode will heat up the spa but, only while spa is filtering. Between the set filter cycles,
spa will not heat.
Sleep mode:
The sleep mode is a special mode. It is a special designed vacation mode. When you set the spa in
sleep mode, the water temperature will drop down gradually to a minimum of 15°C.

