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Specifications - Lacrosse UV Master UV-100 Instruction Manual

Lacrosse uv-100 digital atomic watch: instruction manual


9.0 Specifications

Current Time Mode
Chronograph Mode
! Hour, minute and second
! Resolution: 1/100 second
! Month, day, day of week and year
! Counting range: 9 hours, 59 minutes, 59.99
! 12 / 24 hour format selectable
! M e a s u r i n g m o d e : E l a p s e d t i m e ,
! Month-day/Day-month selectable
accumulative elapsed time and lap time
! Auto calendar from year 2000 to 2099
(1 lap only)
! Hourly Chime on the hours
Timer Mode
UV Index Mode
! Resolution: 1 second
! Display range (bar segment): 0 to 15
! Setting limit: 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59
! Measuring range(numeric): 0 to 25
! Resolution (bar segment): 1 UV Index
! Alarm sound: One beep at the 5,4,3,2 and1
! Resolution (numeric): 0.1 UV Index
! Alarm: 2 UV Index Alarms
! Alarm sound: 'Beep-beep-beep' at 0 second
! Color Code: 4 colors (Green, Yellow, Red
! Alarm duration: about 10 seconds.
and Purple).
Daily Alarm Mode
! Electro-luminescent back light
! Daily Alarm: 1 daily alarm
! Alarm Duration: about 30 seconds
10.0 Limited Liabilities
T h e C o m p a n y i s n o t l i a b l e f o r a n y
The Company disclaims all warranties that
damages caused by the product or the
are not stated in the express limited
failure of the product to perform, including
warranties in this manual. We makes no
any loss of profits or savings, incidental
other express or implied warranties,
damages, or consequential damages.
i n c l u d i n g a n y i m p l i e d w a r r a n t i e s o f
There is no liability of the Company
merchantability and fitness for a particular
against any claim made by a third party or
purpose. All implied warranties that maybe
made by you on behalf of a third party.
imposed by law are limited to the terms of
Even if you have advised the Company or
this limitation and the limited warranty.
a n a u t h o r i z e d r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f t h e
Some countries do not allow the exclusion
Company of the possibility of any such
of incidental or consequential damages or
damages, this limitation will still be in
a limitation on how an implied warranty
effect. This limitation of liability cannot be
lasts. Some exclusion or limitation of this
waived or amended by any person. This
limited warranty may not apply to you. This
limitation is applicable under the condition
limited warranty gives you specific legal
that whether damages are sought, or a
rights and you may have other rights vary
claim made, under the limited warranty as
from country to country.
mentioned in this manual or as a tort claim
(including negligence and strict product
liability), a contract claim, or any other
11. 0 Limited Warranty
The Company warrant this unit to be free from
To obtain warranty service on your Watch, you
defects in material and/or workmanship for a
must provide proof of date of purchase. We
1-year period beginning from the date of
strongly recommend that you keep your sales
purchase. This warranty does not cover
receipt and all of the packing materials in
second-hand ownership or products that are
order to take advantage of your Watch's
purchased for sale or lease to another. This
limited warranty. Include all accessories and
warranty does not cover damage resulting
operational manual when returning to the
from acts of God, lightning accident, misuse,
retailer. A brief description of the defect and a
improper installation or operation, or
copy or your sales receipt.
unauthorized repair or alteration.
If this unit has become defective within the
first year of purchase, return it to the retailer
where it is obtained (with all of the original
packing materials and parts) for reconditioning
or replacement. Whether or not to replace or
recondition the unit would be decided by the
retailer. The replaced / reconditioned unit will
be warranted for a period of 90 days or the
remainder of the original one year period,
whichever is longer.
U V M a s t e r
Prevent You Getting UV Over-Exposure

