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Knoll MR640 Installation Manual page 5

Six zone stereo controller with individual volume control electronics and four input source selection


MVP64 Activation
The 590-00 generates infrared command sequences when a momentary
pulse from any of the six MR640 function outputs are activated. Source
A is usually reserved for CD use. When the MR640 is powered up
someone pushing a MR60 Source button or RB8 remote source, the
power on (TON) pulse is activated.
Some examples to understand when MR640 pulses are activated and
the 590-00 macro sequencies are initiated are listed below:
Note: None of the functions below work when any MR60 leds are
blinking to indicate MUTE activated.
Pulse O/P
Activates when:
Power On
Any MR60 or RB8 source
key is pushed when all
MR60 leds are off.
FNC then Source A (CD)
(source A
key pushed when system's on CD random
CD player)
and no MR60 blinking led's.
FNC then Source B (FM or
(source B
AUX1) key pushed when
Jazz station)
the system is on.
FNC then Source C (Dish
(source C
AM or CD2) key pushed
news tuner)
when the system is on.
FNC then Source D (AUX or Scan up one station
(source D
AUX2) key pushed when
sat dish#2)
the system is on.
Programming the 590-00
IR functions do not have to be related to the source input. For example,
if source A is a CD player and source B is a jazz tuner, function A
could be a sequence of CD skip, CD play, and CD random. Function
B could be CD Skip to next disk. After deciding and writing down the
commands to be programmed for each of the six pulse activations
(Function A, B, C, D, TON and TOFF),
Example IR sequence:
Sequence power (on)
command to all
source components
CD skip, CD play or
CD skip to next disk
Scan to next news
station programmed
into news tuner
gather all the source remotes (with batteries inserted) near the 590-
00. Screw one end of a temporary wire to the 590-00 terminal
marked +12VDC. Power up the 590-00 and the MR600.
The 590-00 can learn up to 16 different commands on each of its
four banks. If more than 10 different IR commands are being stored
use bank 2, 3, and 4 to store the sequence commands and bank one
positions 1-6 to execute the sequences.
Single IR Command Storing
Start by pushing the RES (reset) button on the back of the
590-00. If any of the six relay activations have a single command
(not a sequence of commands), program the single command(s) first.
For example if the jazz station tuner is on source C and you want to
program the IR command "scan" (two or more news stations have
been programmed in the news station tuner) into function C, program
the 590-00 with this first.
1. Make sure the bank 1 dip switch is on; bank 2, 3, and 4 off.
2. Push PGM (program lamp goes on).
3. Using the wire attached to the 590-00 +12VDC, touch and
hold the other end of the wire to the 590-00 upper + row
terminal 2. While holding the wire in place, push the tuner
remote control button "scan" while it is about 2-4 inches from
the 590-00 internal infrared sensor. The 590-00 PROGRAM
lamp will flicker while storing the IR signal. When the IR signal
is stored, the confirm lamp comes on. Release the remote
control button and release the wire to the upper row terminal.
The IR signal is now stored in the 590-00 bank 1 terminal 2.
4. Store any other single commands in bank 1 positions 1 and 3-6.
5. Push PGM (program lamp will go out).
590-00 Sequence IR Command Storing
The six MR640 pulse activations can activate a sequence of up to 10
IR commands each. As an overview, the individual IR commands
are first learned and stored in any of the 16 positions in the four
banks (except bank 1 positions 1 through 6), then assembled in order

