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Rae Marketing BackMagic User Manual page 9

The multi-level back stretching device with standard and "trigger point massage" tops


3. Moderate Stretch
Raise your arms over your head
and shoulders and rest them as
close to the floor as you can for
an additional stretch. In time it
will become easier, and you may
be able to extend your arms
fully and rest your elbows
comfortably on the floor.
4. Maximum Stretch
Extend your legs and arms fully,
as shown in the photo. Remove
the pillow from beneath your
head for the maximum amount
of stretch. Feel your back,
shoulder, chest and abdominal
muscles stretching, and con-
centrate on relaxing as much
as possible.
Rolloff and
5. Roll onto your side and off the
. Sit up gradually
and rest for 30 seconds before
standing. Remember, you have
just had a major stretch and
you should allow your blood
to move back down from your
head to your heart, otherwise
you may become dizzy.

