CAB−232MT and CAB−232FC EIA/TIA−232 Serial Cable Specifications Document ID: 46800 Introduction Prerequisites Requirements Components Used Conventions EIA/TIA−232 Speed and Distance Limitations Serial Cable CAB−232MT EIA/TIA−232 Serial Cable Assembly EIA/TIA−232 DTE Cable Pinouts Serial Cable CAB−232FC EIA/TIA−232 DCE Cable Pinouts (DB−60 to DB−25) Related Information Introduction This document provides the technical specifications for the EIA/TIA−232 serial cables.
2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 Serial Cable CAB−232MT This section presents the cable assembly and pinouts for the CAB−232MT serial cable. Note: The cable itself identifies the Cisco router as a data terminal equipment (DTE) or data communications equipment (DCE) device to other devices in the network;...
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Serial Cable CAB−232FC This section presents the cable assembly and pinouts for the CAB−232FC serial cable. The cable gender for this product (part number 72−0794−01) is Male DB−60 to Female DB−25, mode − DCE. This cable is used in the following systems: the Cisco 7000 family, Cisco 4000 series, Cisco 3600 series, Cisco 2500 series, Cisco 1600 series, Cisco access servers, and AccessPro PC cards.