HP Digital Entertainment Center (With HDTV ATSC Tuner) Start Here Actual Components May Vary...
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Capture, personalize, and create DVDs of your home movies and back up your photos, music, or favorite TV programs on DVD. Use the optional HP Personal Media Drive as an easy way to add more storage or archive your digital content.
Overview Welcome Placement and Ventilation Requirements What’s in the box Installation overview Audio Connecting to multi-channel AV receiver Video Connecting to high-definition TVs or computer displays Connecting to CRTs and Rear Projection Non-HD TVs TV Sources About ATSC antennas Connecting to UHF/VHF antenna, or analog cable Connecting to cable box or digital satellite receiver —...
10/ 100/ 1000 OPTICAL DIGITAL AUDIO HI SPEED USB 2.0 1394 ETHERNET HP Personal Media Drive bay, for additional storage for recorded TV shows and digital content (drive sold separately) SmartMedia / xD MMC / SD HI SPEED USB 2.0...
Entertainment Center Back View IMPORTANT: Use an open cabinet for best operation of the HP Digital Entertainment Center (DEC). Do not cover vents on top, back, or side of unit. Backs of cabinets should be open for best operation; if there is a back to the cabinet, there must be a hole in the back of the cabinet with a minimum open area of 19"W x 6.5"H behind the DEC, so that air can...
IR remote control plus two AA batteries Documentation Wireless LAN antenna (for extended range) FM antenna Cables HP Digital Entertainment Center (for video connection to high-definition displays) S-video (for video connection to standard-definition displays) Coaxial digital audio (for 5.1 digital audio)
Satellite Receiver Antenna HDTV (ATSC) and/or NTSC Infrared TV Source In Over-the-air Transmitter Digital Signal HP Digital Entertainment Center HP Digital Entertainment Digital Video Camera Center AV Out AV In TV or Monitor IMPORTANT: The HP Digital Entertainment Center must be installed...
• You may not need to connect all plugs. • Refer to the User’s Guide for detailed instructions. HP Digital Entertainment Center Rear Panel Recommended Digital connection Digital Audio Input Coaxial Optical Connectors vary...
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AV Receiver colors may Rear Panel vary Surround AUDIO 7.1 PRE-OUT SURROUND SURROUND CENTER HP Digital BACK Entertainment Center Rear Panel WOOFER Analog Audio Out (Multi-Channel) Select only one Audio option, then proceed to Video 2-Channel Stereo Receiver or TV Front AUDIO 7.1 PRE-OUT...
OPTICAL DIGITAL AUDIO HI SPEED USB 2.0 1394 ETHERNET DIGITAL VIDEO OUT Not recommended for initial setup. Go to your model number page at http://www.hp.com/support for instructions on using component video. Progressive Scan (Component*) Video In (sold separately) VIDEO VIDEO...
AUDIO HI SPEED USB 2.0 1394 ETHERNET DIGITAL VIDEO OUT Video * Not recommended for initial setup. Go to your model number page at http://www.hp.com/support for instructions on using component video. Interlaced Scan (Component*) Video In (sold separately) VIDEO VIDEO...
The direction to point your antenna. · Positioning an HDTV antenna for best reception. NOTE: You can also attach an internal or external roof VHF/UHF antenna to the HP Digital Entertainment Center to watch NTSC channels. See the following illustrations. Finding Your ATSC Channels After you complete the Media Center and Digital TV setup wizards and then download your Television Program Guide, the Guide may display incorrect ATSC DTV channels.
Antenna Coaxial For HD Signal, HDTV / SDTV ANT. IN connect antenna to HDTV/SDTV ANT. IN ATSC TUNER HP Digital Entertainment Center Rear Panel UHF/VHF Antenna, or Analog Cable Select only one TV source, then proceed to Final Setup Cable...
Single Set-top Box Cable Box or Satellite Receiver From first Cable Box or Satellite Receiver Cable Box or Satellite Receiver Rear Panel HP Digital Entertainment Center Rear Panel Step 1 These boxes are provided by your local cable or satellite service provider.
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See User’s Guide for further instructions. Remove tape Attach the IR transmitter from the rear of the HP Digital Entertainment Center to the front IR window of the Digital Cable Box or Digital Attach Satellite Receiver. to IR window...
1394 ETHERNET DIGITAL VIDEO OUT FM Radio Setup FM Antenna The FM antenna must be completely open and hung up to get any signal. HP Digital FM ANTENNA IN Entertainment Center 75 Ω rear panel COAXIAL WIRELESS LAN 802.11 a/b/g...
ETHERNET DIGITAL VIDEO OUT Final Setup Internet connection Wireless LAN Refer to network setup (802.11a/b/g) wizard for configuring the HP Digital Entertainment Center to your home network Wireless LAN antenna (connect for better range) WIRELESS LAN 802.11 a/b/g REMOVABLE ANTENNA...
HP Digital Entertainment Center. • Set TV and AV receiver to proper inputs. • Connect video cables BEFORE powering on the HP Digital Entertainment Center. • Power on only after you’ve connected all cables. • Do not disconnect any cables during setup.
6) Refer to the User’s Guide for instructions on initial audio and video configuration and connecting additional equipment. 7) For further instructions on using your HP Digital Entertainment Center, refer to the User’s Guide, Software Guide, Warranty and Support Guide, and other documentation that came with your PC.
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