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TruAudio Ghost Series Instructions Manual And User Manual page 3


over tighten the mounting screws. This will cause damage
to the mounting toggle and the speaker will not stay in
Adjust the Tweeter: This series of in-ceiling speakers
offer swivel tweeters so they are more versatile for
different applications. After the location of the speaker is
determined and the speaker is installed, adjust the
depending on the installation, it might be necessary to
reflect the sound off a wall or ceiling.
Adjust the Level Control: Some of the Ghost series
offer level control to adjust the high and low output. If your
speaker offer this, the switches are located on the front
face of the speaker. You can adjust these controls to get
more or less high frequency and more or less bass. Adjust
the switch to each setting until you get the desired amount
of high frequency and then do the same for the bass. We
suggest starting at -3dB and then from there you can
increase or decrease the desired level. The adjustments
are -6dB, -3dB and 0dB.
Grill installation: Remove the grill from the box and
install it onto the speaker. Align the grills edges to the
outer edge of speaker and allow magnets to attach grill to
speaker, carefully push the grill on. Make sure to check all
the way around the grill to ensure its sitting on the
speaker evenly.
All in-wall, in-ceiling, outdoor speakers, volume controls and freestanding loudspeakers have a limited lifetime warranty.
This warranty includes lifetime parts and repair labor on all components. Powered subwoofers and active electronics
have a one (1) year limited warranty. This warranty includes one (1) year parts and repair labor on all components.
TRUAUDIO's obligation under these warrantees is limited to repairing or replacing any component found defective in
material or workmanship under normal conditions of use. These warrantees shall not apply to products which have
been abused, modified, disassembled, or repaired by anyone other than TRUAUDIO or one of its appointed service
centers. Products to be repaired under this warranty must be returned to the factory or designated service center with
all transportation and insurance charges pre-paid.
I t is the pol i cy of T RU AUD IO to co ntin uo us ly i ncor po ra te im provements i nto o ur products. A ll sp ecif icat i ons are
s u b je ct t o c hange w it hout n otic e. If yo u h a ve a ny q ue sti on s reg ardin g thi s o r a ny othe r TRUAU DIO pro duct s,
pl e a se c al l 1- 888- 858-1555, M on da y – Fr id a y, 7 :00 a m – 6: 00 pm MST.
TRU A UDIO S p eake r S ys tem s, St. Geo rg e, Uta h, 84 79 0
O ffic e : 43 5. 986. 1574 F ax: 4 35 .2 51 .98 15
SoundVision Technologies dba TRUAUDIO
Ghost Series
Painting the Speaker
If you are going to paint your speakers, we suggest
painting the grills before Installation. This is one of the
advantages of the Ghost series speakers, that the
speaker itself does not need to be painted, onlt the grill.
The Ghost series is a frameless speaker and will save
time on labor since the grill can be painted before hand
and be ready for install that the same time as the
installation of the speakers.
When painting the grills, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you
remove the cloth like material (Dacron) from the grill
before painting, and then you can paint the grills lightly
and be careful not to clog the holes. Depending on the
thickness of the paint, you may want to thin it slightly. This
will help prevent clogging the grill holes. Another
suggestion is finding a spray paint that will match and
paint the grill with that. Your local hardware store should
have as good selection of spray paints. Do not paint the
grill while it's still on the speaker, paint them separately.



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