Safety Considerations; Dangers; Warnings; Cautions - Crown FM5 User Manual

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1.4 Safety Considerations

Crown Broadcast assumes the responsibility for providing you with a safe product and
safety guidelines during its use. "Safety" means protection to all individuals who install,
operate, and service the transmitter as well as protection of the transmitter itself. To
promote safety, we use standard hazard alert labeling on the product and in this manual.
Follow the associated guidelines to avoid potential hazard.

1.4.1 Dangers

DANGER represents the most severe hazard alert. Extreme bodily harm or death will occur
if DANGER guidelines are not followed.

1.4.2 Warnings

WARNING represents hazards which could result in severe injury or death.

1.4.3 Cautions

CAUTION indicates potential personal injury, or equipment or property damage if the asso-
ciated guidelines are not followed. Particular cautions in this text also indicate unauthorized
radio-frequency operation.
Illustration 1–3 Sample Hazard Alert
Getting Acquainted


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