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Defrosting - Delta ERD23 User Manual

Pizza prep chiller


The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the c
The thermostat is placed in the control panel, see fig. 2.0.
current temperature in the cabinet.
The thermostat is placed in the control panel, see fig. 2.0.
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
t h e n r e t u r n t o n o r m a l o p e r a t i o n .
T h i s d o e s n o t i n f l u e n c e t h e o p e r a t i o n o f t h e c a b i n e t , b u t s h o u l d b e r e p a i r e d a
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the s
' P 2 ' F l a s h i n g i n t h e d i s p l a y : i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e e v a p o r a t o r s e n s o r i s d e f e c t i v e .
T h e c a b i n e t d e f r o s t s a u t o m a t i c a l l y w i t h p r e - s e t i n t e r v a l s . I f t h e d o o r t o t h e c a b i n e t
p o s s i b l e .
Display set temperature:
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
The thermostat is placed in the control panel, see fig. 2.0.
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the c
' P 2 ' F l a s h i n g i n t h e d i s p l a y : i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e e v a p o r a t o r s e n s o r i s d e f e c t i v e .
P r e s s i n g t h i s k e y c o n t i n u o u s l y f o r m o r e t h a n 3 s e c o n d s w i l l s t a r t a m a n u a l d
Display set temperature:
The thermostat is placed in the control panel, see fig. 2.0.
Display set temperature:
T h i s d o e s n o t i n f l u e n c e t h e o p e r a t i o n o f t h e c a b i n e t , b u t s h o u l d b e r e p a i r e d a
Display set temperature:
Display set temperature:
D e f r o s t i n g
The thermostat is placed in the control panel, see fig. 2.0.
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
T h e c a b i n e t w i l l s t r i v e t o k e e p t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e u n t i l i t h a s b e e n r e p a i r e d .
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the s
' P 2 ' F l a s h i n g i n t h e d i s p l a y : i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e e v a p o r a t o r s e n s o r i s d e f e c t i v e .
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the
The thermostat is placed in the control panel, see fig. 2.0.
Display set temperature:
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key a
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the
Display set temperature:
T h e c a b i n e t w i l l s t r i v e t o k e e p t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e u n t i l i t h a s b e e n r e p a i r e d .
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the s
' P 1 ' F l a s h i n g i n t h e d i s p l a y : i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e c a b i n e t s e n s o r i s d e f e c t i v e .
Display set temperature:
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key a
Display set temperature:
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the
The thermostat is placed in the control panel, see fig. 2.0.
key again to return to normal reading.
normal reading
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the s
m a n u a l l y .
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
' P 1 ' F l a s h i n g i n t h e d i s p l a y : i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e c a b i n e t s e n s o r i s d e f e c t i v e .
Display set temperature:
p o s s i b l e .
adjust the settings. When turning on the cabinet the display will show the
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the c
key again to return to normal reading.
normal reading
T h e c a b i n e t w i l l s t r i v e t o k e e p t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e u n t i l i t h a s b e e n r e p a i r e d .
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the s
c o n t e n t s o f t h e c a b i n e t i s c h a n g e d f r e q u e n t l y i t m a y b e c o m e n e c e s s a r y t o d e f r o s t t
normal reading
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key a
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the
A l a r m c o d e s :
T h i s d o e s n o t i n f l u e n c e t h e o p e r a t i o n o f t h e c a b i n e t , b u t s h o u l d b e r e p a i r e d a
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
current temperature in the cabinet.
The thermostat is placed in the control panel, see fig. 2.0.
' P 1 ' F l a s h i n g i n t h e d i s p l a y : i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e c a b i n e t s e n s o r i s d e f e c t i v e .
Set new temperature:
normal reading
Set new temperature:
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key again to return to
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
T h e c a b i n e t d e f r o s t s a u t o m a t i c a l l y w i t h p r e - s e t i n t e r v a l s . I f t h e d o o r t o t h e c a b i n e t
key again to return to normal reading.
A l a r m c o d e s :
key again to return to normal reading.
normal reading
' P 2 ' F l a s h i n g i n t h e d i s p l a y : i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e e v a p o r a t o r s e n s o r i s d e f e c t i v e .
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
Display set temperature:
Set new temperature:
Set new temperature:
Display set temperature:
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key again to return to
normal reading
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
Set new temperature:
Display set temperature:
t h e n r e t u r n t o n o r m a l r e a d i n g .
Display set temperature:
normal reading
The thermostat is placed in the control panel, see fig. 2.0.
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display
normal reading
A l a r m c o d e s :
Set new temperature:
Set new temperature:
Display set temperature:
D e f r o s t i n g
t h e n r e t u r n t o n o r m a l r e a d i n g .
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows
Set new temperature:
Set new temperature:
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key again to return to
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o s a v e t h e n e w s e t t i n g s . T h e d i s p l a y w i l l f l a s h w i t h t h e n e w
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the
T h e c a b i n e t w i l l s t r i v e t o k e e p t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e u n t i l i t h a s b e e n r e p a i r e d .
shows the set temperature.
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the s
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key a
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows
Display set temperature:
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the
normal reading
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o s a v e t h e n e w s e t t i n g s . T h e d i s p l a y w i l l f l a s h w i t h t h e n e w
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
shows the set temperature.
Set new temperature:
' P 1 ' F l a s h i n g i n t h e d i s p l a y : i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e c a b i n e t s e n s o r i s d e f e c t i v e .
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows the
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
t h e n r e t u r n t o n o r m a l r e a d i n g .
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the s
normal reading
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display
key again to return to normal reading.
normal reading
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
p o s s i b l e .
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the s
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows the set
set temperature
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the c
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o l o w e r t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e .
normal reading
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o s a v e t h e n e w s e t t i n g s . T h e d i s p l a y w i l l f l a s h w i t h t h e n e w
shows the set temperature.
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the s
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows the set
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
T h i s d o e s n o t i n f l u e n c e t h e o p e r a t i o n o f t h e c a b i n e t , b u t s h o u l d b e r e p a i r e d a
normal reading
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o l o w e r t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e .
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
A l a r m c o d e s :
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
Set new temperature:
Set new temperature:
Set new temperature:
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key again to return to
' P 2 ' F l a s h i n g i n t h e d i s p l a y : i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e e v a p o r a t o r s e n s o r i s d e f e c t i v e .
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
normal reading
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Display set temperature:
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the s
Set new temperature:
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows the set
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o i n c r e a s e t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e .
Display set temperature:
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o l o w e r t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e .
normal reading
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Display set temperature:
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
Set new temperature:
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
The thermostat is placed in the control panel, see fig. 2.0.
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
t h e n r e t u r n t o n o r m a l r e a d i n g .
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o i n c r e a s e t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e .
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Display set temperature:
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Set new temperature:
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Display set temperature:
T h e c a b i n e t w i l l s t r i v e t o k e e p t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e u n t i l i t h a s b e e n r e p a i r e d .
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the s
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o s a v e t h e n e w s e t t i n g s . T h e d i s p l a y w i l l f l a s h w i t h t h e n e w
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
shows the set temperature.
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
t e m p e r a t u r e .
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key a
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o i n c r e a s e t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e .
Display set temperature:
' P 1 ' F l a s h i n g i n t h e d i s p l a y : i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e c a b i n e t s e n s o r i s d e f e c t i v e .
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
t e m p e r a t u r e .
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
key again to return to normal reading.
normal reading
P r e s s t h i s k e y c o n t i n u o u s l y f o r m o r e t h a n 3 s e c o n d s a n d t h e d i s p l a y s h o w s
normal reading
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the
new value and will then return to normal reading.
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the s
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows the set
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new value and will
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o l o w e r t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e .
new value and will then return to normal reading.
then return to normal reading.
P r e s s t h i s k e y c o n t i n u o u s l y f o r m o r e t h a n 3 s e c o n d s a n d t h e d i s p l a y s h o w s
Display set temperature:
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
normal reading
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
new value and will then return to normal reading.
t e m p e r a t u r e .
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
A l a r m c o d e s :
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new value and will
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
then return to normal reading.
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
then return to normal reading.
normal reading
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the
then return to normal reading.
Set new temperature:
Set new temperature:
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key again to return to
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new
S e t n e w t e m p e r a t u r e :
Set new temperature:
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Alarm codes:
Alarm codes:
then return to normal reading.
P r e s s t h i s k e y c o n t i n u o u s l y f o r m o r e t h a n 3 s e c o n d s a n d t h e d i s p l a y s h o w s
normal reading
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
then return to normal reading.
Alarm codes:
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Display set temperature:
new value and will then return to normal reading.
normal reading
S e t n e w t e m p e r a t u r e :
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o i n c r e a s e t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e .
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new value and will
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
Alarm codes:
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
then return to normal reading.
Set new temperature:
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
P1 – Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective. The
t h e n r e t u r n t o n o r m a l r e a d i n g .
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Alarm codes:
P1 – Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Alarm codes:
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Set new temperature:
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
then return to normal reading.
normal reading
then return to normal reading.
n o r m a l r e a d i n g
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows
cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
P1 – Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o s a v e t h e n e w s e t t i n g s . T h e d i s p l a y w i l l f l a s h w i t h t h e n e w
Alarm codes:
S e t n e w t e m p e r a t u r e :
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been
Set new temperature:
Display set temperature:
Alarm codes:
shows the set temperature.
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Alarm codes:
n o r m a l r e a d i n g
t e m p e r a t u r e .
P r e s s t h i s k e y a n d t h e d i s p l a y w i l l s h o w t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e . P r e s s t h e k e y a
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
P1 – Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new
normal reading
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
Alarm codes:
Set new temperature:
P2 –Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective. This
P r e s s t h i s k e y c o n t i n u o u s l y f o r m o r e t h a n 3 s e c o n d s a n d t h e d i s p l a y s h o w s
P r e s s t h i s k e y a n d t h e d i s p l a y w i l l s h o w t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e . P r e s s t h e k e y a
The thermostat has been pre-set and in most cases it is not necessary to adjust the s
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows the set
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
new value and will then return to normal reading.
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
then return to normal reading.
n o r m a l r e a d i n g
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o l o w e r t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e .
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new value and will
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
then return to normal reading.
does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as soon as
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
then return to normal reading.
P2 – Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
D i s p l a y s e t t e m p e r a t u r e :
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
then return to normal reading.
P r e s s t h i s k e y a n d t h e d i s p l a y w i l l s h o w t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e . P r e s s t h e k e y a
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
normal reading
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
Set new temperature:
then return to normal reading.
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as soon as
P2 – Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is
D i s p l a y s e t t e m p e r a t u r e :
S e t n e w t e m p e r a t u r e :
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
defective. This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should
Alarm codes:
Alarm codes:
When turning on the cabinet the display will show the current temperature in the ca
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
P r e s s t h i s k e y t o i n c r e a s e t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e .
Alarm codes:
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired a
then return to normal reading.
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as soon as
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
defective. This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should
Alarm codes:
be repaired as soon as possible.
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
W h e n t u r n i n g o n t h e c a b i n e t t h e d i s p l a y w i l l s h o w t h e c u r r e n t t e m p e r a t u r e i n t h e c
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
P1 – Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired a
P2 – Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is
D i s p l a y s e t t e m p e r a t u r e :
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as
Alarm codes:
Set new temperature:
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
be repaired as soon as possible.
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
W h e n t u r n i n g o n t h e c a b i n e t t h e d i s p l a y w i l l s h o w t h e c u r r e n t t e m p e r a t u r e i n t h e c
n o r m a l r e a d i n g
Display set temperature:
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as soon as
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
defective. This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
Alarm codes:
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
t e m p e r a t u r e .
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired a
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the
P r e s s t h i s k e y a n d t h e d i s p l a y w i l l s h o w t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e . P r e s s t h e k e y a
T h e t h e r m o s t a t h a s b e e n p r e - s e t a n d i n m o s t c a s e s i t i s n o t n e c e s s a r y t o a d j u s t t h e
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
be repaired as soon as possible.
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.


The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
is opened or the contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become
W h e n t u r n i n g o n t h e c a b i n e t t h e d i s p l a y w i l l s h o w t h e c u r r e n t t e m p e r a t u r e i n t h e c
P r e s s t h i s k e y c o n t i n u o u s l y f o r m o r e t h a n 3 s e c o n d s a n d t h e d i s p l a y s h o w s
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
new value and will then return to normal reading.
T h e t h e r m o s t a t h a s b e e n p r e - s e t a n d i n m o s t c a s e s i t i s n o t n e c e s s a r y t o a d j u s t t h e
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new value and will
Press this key and the display will show the set temperature. Press the key ag
then return to normal reading.
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
necessary to defrost the cabinet manually.
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
then return to normal reading.
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
then return to normal reading.
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
P2 – Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is
D i s p l a y s e t t e m p e r a t u r e :
normal reading
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
then return to normal reading.
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
T h e t h e r m o s t a t h a s b e e n p r e - s e t a n d i n m o s t c a s e s i t i s n o t n e c e s s a r y t o a d j u s t t h e
S e t n e w t e m p e r a t u r e :
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
Alarm codes:
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as soon as
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
then return to normal reading.
defective. This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as
Alarm codes:
Alarm codes:
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
defrosting and then return to normal operation.
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become necessary to defrost t
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired a
then return to normal reading.
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
P1 – Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
be repaired as soon as possible.
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
Alarm codes:
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
Set new temperature:
W h e n t u r n i n g o n t h e c a b i n e t t h e d i s p l a y w i l l s h o w t h e c u r r e n t t e m p e r a t u r e i n t h e c
contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become necessary to defrost th
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become necessary to defrost t
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as
Alarm codes:
n o r m a l r e a d i n g
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual defrosting and
contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become necessary to defrost th
then return to normal reading.
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as
Alarm codes:
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
Defrosted water runs to a container placed in the compressor compartment and
P r e s s t h i s k e y a n d t h e d i s p l a y w i l l s h o w t h e s e t t e m p e r a t u r e . P r e s s t h e k e y a
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become necessary to defrost t
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual defrosting and
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
T h e t h e r m o s t a t h a s b e e n p r e - s e t a n d i n m o s t c a s e s i t i s n o t n e c e s s a r y t o a d j u s t t h e
Press this key continuously for more than 3 seconds and the display shows th
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become necessary to defrost th
Alarm codes:
then return to normal reading.
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual defrosting and
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual d
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
P2 – Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is
D i s p l a y s e t t e m p e r a t u r e :
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual de
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual d
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
then return to normal operation.
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as soon as
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
defective. This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should
Alarm codes:
then return to normal reading.
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become necessary to defrost th
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual de
T h e t h e r m o s t a t i s p l a c e d i n t h e c o n t r o l p a n e l , s e e f i g . 2 . 0 .
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired a
then return to normal operation.
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
then return to normal operation.
Press this key to increase the set temperature.
contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become necessary to defrost t
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
be repaired as soon as possible.
contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become necessary to defrost th
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual d
T h e t h e r m o s t a t i s p l a c e d i n t h e c o n t r o l p a n e l , s e e f i g . 2 . 0 .
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
W h e n t u r n i n g o n t h e c a b i n e t t h e d i s p l a y w i l l s h o w t h e c u r r e n t t e m p e r a t u r e i n t h e c
then return to normal operation.
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become necessary to defrost th
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual de
Defrosted water runs to a container placed in the compressor compartment and ev
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as
Alarm codes:
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
then return to normal operation.
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual defrosting and
T h e r m o s t a t
contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become necessary to defrost th
Defrosted water runs to a container placed in the compressor compartment and eva
T h e t h e r m o s t a t i s p l a c e d i n t h e c o n t r o l p a n e l , s e e f i g . 2 . 0 .
Defrosted water runs to a container placed in the compressor compartment and ev
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as
Press this key to lower the set temperature.
then return to normal operation.
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
T h e r m o s t a t
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
T h e t h e r m o s t a t h a s b e e n p r e - s e t a n d i n m o s t c a s e s i t i s n o t n e c e s s a r y t o a d j u s t t h e
Defrosted water runs to a container placed in the compressor compartment and eva
'P1' Flashing in the display: indicates that the cabinet sensor is defective.
Defrosted water runs to a container placed in the compressor compartment and ev
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual de
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as
T h e r m o s t a t
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual d
Press this key to save the new settings. The display will flash with the new v
Defrosted water runs to a container placed in the compressor compartment and eva
The cabinet will strive to keep the set temperature until it has been repaired.
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual de
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
then return to normal operation.
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual de
then return to normal operation.
then return to normal reading.
then return to normal operation.
This does not influence the operation of the cabinet, but should be repaired as
contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become necessary to defrost th
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
T h e t h e r m o s t a t i s p l a c e d i n t h e c o n t r o l p a n e l , s e e f i g . 2 . 0 .
Pressing this key continuously for more than 3 seconds will start a manual de
contents of the cabinet is changed frequently it may become necessary to defrost t
then return to normal operation.
The cabinet defrosts automatically with pre-set intervals. If the door to the cabinet
'P2' Flashing in the display: indicates that the evaporator sensor is defective.
Fig. 2.0
Fig. 2.0
Fig. 2.0
Fig. 2.0
Fig. 2.0
Fig. 2.0
Fig. 2.0
Fig. 2.0
Fig. 2.0
Fig. 2.0
Fig. 2.0
F i g . 2 . 0
F i g . 2 . 0
F i g . 2 . 0
F i g . 2 . 0

