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Schartec Titan Instructions Manual page 10



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Wiring Instruc�ons for electric House Door System
Connec�ng the keypad to a house door system
1. Ensure that the power to your door system is removed. Do not a�empt to connect the keypad to the system
while the power supply is s�ll ac�ve!
2. Connect the RED wire from the keypad to the 12-24V posi�ve supply and the BLACK wire to GND.
3. Depending on if your door has an NO or NC connec�on will determine the next step: you will need to
determine if your doors locking mechanism is released when power is provided (NO) or if it is unlocked when
the power is removed (NC). For NO type door systems, connect the BLUE wire from the keypad to the NO slot
on your door system. For NC type door systems, connect the ORANGE wire from the keypad to the NC slot on
your door system. Finally, the PURPLE wire will need to be connected to the +12-24V posi�ve supply slot on
!!!Please refer to your door sysetem manual for this step!!!
your door system.
4. The remaining wires on the keypad ARE NOT NEEDED for the opening and closing of the garage door or gate
opener and should therefore be simply clamped off so that they are not connected/touching each other or
anything else. Please use either electrical tape or a wire cap.
1. Once the keypad has been properly connected, reconnect the power supply to the door system. The LED on the
keypad will light up red, then show yellow, then back to red followed by a beep. The keypad is now ready to
receive input.
2. You will need to begin with the administrator code: press *, followed by 888888 and the # key. The keypad is
now in the se�ng mode and is wai�ng for further commands. This code can be changed and is explained a�er
step 6.
3. You now need to add in a user and their passcode. Up to 2000 users can be added with individual passcodes OR
transponder. Each user is saved in a "slot" numbered from 1 to 2000, so it's important to keep track of the user
number and their passcode OR transponder number.
4. Within 10 seconds (a�er comple�ng point 2) press the 1 key on the keypad. Now enter the number of the user
you want to assign (1-2000) and then confirm with the #-key. Now enter your 4-6 digit passcode, followed by
the # key. The LED will briefly flash green to confirm that your access code has been saved. The LED will light up
yellow again and is now wai�ng for more users/passcodes. You can now press any number between 2-2000,
followed by the # key, and then enter in another passcode again followed by #. Please make sure that you note
the user slot as well as the passcode.
5. Now that your users and passcodes have been entered, you'll need to modify the opening �me for the door
(i.e. the amount of �me that the lock remains open/disengaged). The factory se�ng is 5 seconds. If you'd like
to increase or decrease the �me, press again the * then the administrator code 888888 followed by the # key.
The LED lights up green briefly, then flashes red. Now press 4, then a number between 1 and 99, then #. The
keypad will briefly illuminate green confirming your selec�on, then will return to flashing red. They keypad has
now been set to the desired �me and is ready for opera�on.
6. Now simply enter your passcode followed by the # key. The door lock should disengage and you're free to open
the door!
NOTES: changing the admin code: press * followed by the factory se�ng admin code of
888888 and then #. Now press 0, followed by a new 6 to 8 digit code and the # key, and then
renter the new code again followed by the # key. The keypad will briefly illuminate green
confirming your selec�on, then will return to flashing red. The admin code has now been
changed. Please document this code and keep it safe as the only way to recover it is to do a
complete factory reset.
HOW TO do a factory reset: remove the power supply from the keypad. Now press and hold
the * key and reconnect the power supply. Keep the bu�on held for 2 seconds a�er
reconnec�ng the power supply, the LED will light up red, then show yellow, then back to red
followed by 2 quick beeps and 1 long beep. The keypad has now been reset to factory
HOW TO reset/delete passcodes or transponders: Press *, then your administrator code,
followed by the # key. Now press 2. Now enter in the user number you would like to delete,
followed by the # key. The selected user and their passcode have now been deleted. To
delete a transponder, a�er pressing 2, you can simply scan the transponder and it will be
deleted from the memory. To delete ALL passcode and ALL transponders, a�er pressing 2,
press 0000 followed by the # key - WARNING this will delete ALL saved users and their
passcodes as well as transponders!
For addi�onal func�ons and se�ngs, please see the table on page 11.



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