thank you for purchasing a sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard this product will, if used according to these instructions
and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.
CaUSe daMaGe aNd/OR PeRSONal INJURY aNd WIll INValIdate tHe WaRRaNtY. PleaSe KeeP INStRUCtIONS SaFe FOR FUtURe USe.
eleCtRICal SaFetY
WaRNING! It is the responsibility of the owner and the operator to read, understand and comply with the following:
You must check all electrical products, before use, to ensure that they are safe. You must inspect power cables, plugs, sockets and
any other connectors for wear or damage. You must ensure that the risk of electric shock is minimised by the installation of
appropriate safety devices. A residual current circuit Breaker (rccB) should be incorporated in the main distribution board. We also
recommend that a residual current Device (rcD) is used. It is particularly important to use an rcD with portable products that are
plugged into a supply which is not protected by an rccB. If in any doubt consult a qualified electrician. You may obtain a residual
current Device by contacting your sealey dealer.
You must also read and understand the following instructions concerning electrical safety.
1.1.1. the Electricity at Work Act 1989 requires that all portable electrical appliances, if used on business premises, are tested by a qualified
electrician, using a Portable Appliance tester (PAt), at least once a year.
1.1.2. the Health & safety at Work Act 1974 makes owners of electrical appliances responsible for the safe condition of those appliances
and the safety of the appliance operators. If in any doubt about electrical safety, contact a qualified electrician.
1.1.3. Ensure that the insulation on all cables and on the appliance is safe before connecting it to the power supply. see 1.1.1. and 1.1.2.
and use a Portable Appliance tester.
1.1.4. Ensure that cables are always protected against short circuit and overload.
1.1.5. regularly inspect power supply cables and plugs for wear or damage and check all
connections to ensure that none is loose.
1.1.6. Important: Ensure that the voltage marked on the appliance matches the power supply
to be used and that the plug is fitted with the correct fuse - see fuse rating at right.
1.1.7. Do not pull or carry the appliance by the power cable.
1.1.8. Do not pull the plug from the socket by the cable.
1.1.9. Do not use worn or damaged cables, plugs or connectors. Immediately have any faulty
item repaired or replaced by a qualified electrician. When a Bs 1363/A uK 3 pin plug is
damaged, cut the cable just above the plug and dispose of the plug safely.
fit a new plug according to the following instructions (uK only).
a) connect the GrEEn/YELLoW earth wire to the earth terminal 'E'.
b) connect the BroWn live wire to the live terminal 'L'.
c) connect the BLuE neutral wire to the neutral terminal 'n'.
d) After wiring, check that there are no bare wires, that all wires have been correctly connected, that the cable outer insulation extends
beyond the cable restraint and that the restraint is tight.
Double insulated products, which are always marked with this symbol
to rewire, connect the wires as indicated above -
Do not connect either wire to the earth terminal.
1.1.10. SM3154 requires a 3-phase electrical supply. NO plug is fitted. You must contact a qualified electrician to ensure a suitable supply is
available. We recommend that you discuss the installation of an industrial round pin plug & socket with your electrician.
check to ensure the blade of the sM3154 is rotating in the correct direction. If it is not, invert the two phase leads.
1.1.11. If an extension reel is used it should be fully unwound before connection. A reel with an rcD fitted is preferred since any appliance
plugged into it will be protected. the cable core section is important and should be at least 1.5mm², but to be absolutely sure that the
capacity of the reel is suitable for this product and for others which may be used in the other output sockets, we recommend the use
of 2.5mm² section cable.
1.2 .
GeNeRal SaFetY
WaRNING! Disconnect the saw from the mains power, and ensure the cutting blade is at a complete standstill before attempting
to change accessories, service or perform any maintenance.
Maintain the saw in good condition (use an authorised service agent).
replace or repair damaged parts. Use recommended parts only. Unauthorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty.
Locate the saw in a suitable area. Ensure the surface is flat and firm. Keep area clean and tidy and free from
unrelated materials, and ensure there is adequate lighting.
Keep the saw clean for best and safest performance and check moving parts alignment regularly.
WARNING! Before each use check that blade is secure and that it is not worn or damaged. If worn or damaged replace immediately.
WaRNING! Keep guard and holding screws in place, tight and in good working order. check regularly for damaged parts.
A guard, or any other part, that is damaged must be repaired or replaced before the tool is used.
the safety guard is a mandatory fitting where saw is used on premises covered by the Health & safety at Work Act.
remove adjusting keys and wrenches from the machine and vicinity before turning it on.
WaRNING! Wear approved safety eye protection, ear defenders, gauntlets and, if dust is generated, respiratory protection.
remove ill fitting clothing. remove ties, watches, rings and other loose jewellery and contain long hair.
Keep hands and body clear of the work table when operating the saw and position your body in line with the blade whilst cutting.
Maintain correct balance and footing. Ensure the floor is not slippery and wear non-slip shoes.
Always clamp workpiece in the base vice. nEVEr hold a workpiece by hand.
Keep children and unauthorised persons away from the working area.
Avoid subjecting blade to excessive strain, always ease blade down against workpiece (a harsh downward impact may break the blade or
teeth). Do not apply undue force on the handle in order to cut workpiece. Maintain a controlled cutting speed through the workpiece.
InstructIons for:
Steel Bladed CUt-OFF SaWS
MoDEL no :
, are fitted with live (brown) and neutral (blue) wires only.
Original Language Version
SM2504, SM3154
Yellow & Green
Earth Wire
FUSe RatING 13 aMP
sM2504, sM3154
Issue: 4 - 07/01/10
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