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Types Of Cooking - oklahoma joes BACKYARD Manual



Smoking & Slow Cooking
Building Your Fire
1. Using the charcoal basket, depending on the planned length of cooking,
place desired amount of fuel into the basket. Open both the firebox and the
smokestack dampers completely.
2. We recommend using Oklahoma Joe's Fire Starters.
3. If using a chimney starter, light your fire according to the
manufacturer's instructions.
4. Always light the fire with the cook chamber and firebox doors open. Leave lid
open until the fuel is fully lit.
5. You can close the lids after the fuel begins to burn.
*Always use caution when handling hot coals to prevent injury
After allowing the fire to burn down, close the doors and control the temperature
and smoke with the dampers located on the firebox and atop the smokestack.
The firebox damper controls air intake (heat level) and the smokestack damper
controls the smoke level in the cook chamber. Generally, the more open the
dampers, the hotter the cooking chamber will be. For smoking slow the damp-
ers will have very minimal opening. Place the food in the cooking chamber and
monitor the temperature. Cooking and smoking are taking place using indirect
heat. Food placed directly next to the cook chamber wall at the firebox may get
hotter and cook faster than the rest of the chamber. A general rule of thumb
for cooking is about 1 hour per pound for smoking large cuts of meat. Limit the
number of times you open the smoker chamber door as this will allow heat to es-
cape and extend the cooking time. Do not operate the smoker with temperatures
exceeding 450 degrees in the cooking chamber. High heat may damage painted
surfaces of the cooker. Avoid letting hot coals touch the wall of the cooker.
17.125448 Reverse Flow Smoker GG ENG.indd 8
9/6/16 8:10 AM

