Steering Features; Trim Adjustments - Bella 550 BR Owner's Manual

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14. Steering features

14.1 Trim adjustments

You can adjust the running attitude of the boat versatile by using trim tabs. The basic directions are as
- at half-planing speeds "bow down" position
- when the boat is planing and the waves are small, lift the bow up slowly and follow the
log to notice for how long the speed is increasing
- in head sea lower bow down to soften the motions. In following sea raise bow up to
prevent nose-diving. In side winds adjust the trim tabs to get the boat direction exactly
Adjust the trim tabs with care - at high speed they radically change the behaviour of the craft.
Make sure the bow is not too low, to reduce the risk of capsizing.
Waves impair handling. Reduce the speed in rough seas.
Do not operate this craft at negative propulsion unit trim settings (bow down) at high speed.
Craft may lean over on side. Instability in turns may result. Use negative trim to accelerate to
planing speed from displacement speed and at lower planing speeds in choppy water
(applicable to craft equipped with propulsion unit power trim).
Do not operate at maximum speed while in congested high traffic waterways or in weather
and sea conditions of reduced visibility, high winds or large waves. Observe and obey speed
limit and no wake zones.
Learn boating Rules and Regulations and comply with them at all times. Also comply with the
requirements of COLREG (International regulations for preventing collisions at sea). Navigate with care
and use new or updated nautical charts.
Always adjust your speed to the conditions and environment. Take into account:
- waves (ask the opinion of others on board for a comfortable speed),
- your own wake (largest when lifting the boat to planing, smallest at displacement speed, i.e. below 6
- visibility (islands, fog, rain, glare),
- familiarity of your route (time needed for navigation),
- congested routes (other boats, noise and wake on shore),
- room needed to stop or avoid obstacles.
Obey no wake zones and decrease your speed and wake for the sake of politeness and safety.
Avoid sudden manoeuvres at speed.


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