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Care And Maintenance - ReBuilder Medical 300 Manual


Care and Maintenance

...ReBuilder Unit Care
Your ReBuilder ® has an automatic timer that turns off
stimulation between 28 and 32 minutes. Make sure to turn
the intensity knob completely "off" after each use. If you have
difficulty turning on the ReBuilder®, make sure to turn the knob
off and remains off for at least 1 minute to allow the timer to
...Battery Care
Your ReBuilder ® has come with a heavy duty 9-volt battery
already installed and ready to use. The battery generally lasts
30 days before needing to be changed. This is based on two
30-minute treatments per day at medium intensity settings.
How long your battery will last will depend on your particular
use. Always remember to turn your ReBuilder off manually with
the knob after your session times out.
...Adhesive Pad Care
Properly cared for, the self-adhesive stimulating pads can last
for many uses. Make sure the skin surface is clean and dry.
Cleaning the skin with an alcohol swab prior to sticking the
pads on your skin helps the pads last longer. Make sure to
replace the pads onto the protective plastic sheet after each
use and store in a cool, dry location. When the pads become
worn and do not stick as effectively, you can lengthen the life by
lightly moistening the skin before placing the pad. This will help
rejuvenate the adhesive a bit for better contact with the skin.

