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ReBuilder Medical 300 Manual page 11


Troubleshooting Guide & Treatment Questions
Why do my symptoms feel a little worse after I use the
The ReBuilder ® causes activit y in your ner ves . For
some, the amount of activity is more than their body is
prepared for, even if you do not feel the stimulation. If you
experienced heightened symptoms after use, discontinue
use for a day or two until your symptoms return to
baseline (your normal level). Then you can return to the
treatment , but at a bit lower intensity than you used
before. If you were only on intensity #1, then reduce the
treatment time by 5 or 10 minutes. After a couple of days
at the lower use, you should be able to increase again and
Why are my arms/hands or legs/feet tired after treatment?
This is normal, because your muscles are being stimulated.
But if it becomes a problem, stop treatment for one or two
days, then return to a lower intensity.
I do not feel any sensation from the treatment, should I turn
it up?
Most people are not going to feel any sensation from the
treatment until higher intensity settings. Those with a
significant amount of numbness may not feel much of
anything until very high intensity settings. The ReBuilder® is
working to repair your nerves.



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