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WilTec 50797 Operation Manual page 3

Motorcycle jack/mini-lift


Thank you for choosing to purchase this quality product. To minimise the risk of injury, we ask you to
always take some basic safety precautions when using this product. Please read this operating manual
carefully and make sure that you understand it.
Keep these operation instructions in a safe place.
Technical specifications
Maximum weight (㎏)
This motorcycle jack is designed for short lifting of both axles of your motorcycle without addi-
tional charge. The device must not be used as motorcycle platform.
Safety instructions
The maximum capacity is 500 kg. DO NOT exceed it.
Only use this lift as a lift. DO NOT use it for purposes which it has not been designed.
Keep the lift away from children and other unauthorised persons.
Only use this lift on a solid, level, dry, non-slippery, and suitable surface. Keep the surface clean,
tidy, and free from unneeded foreign bodies. Furthermore, make sure that there is enough light.
Secure the motorcycle before every lifting from eventual falling down.
Keep children and casual bystanders away from your work zone.
When the platform has reached its operational height, make sure that the safety bar is engaged
to prevent the lift from retracting.
Keep your hands and feet away from the lift while it is moving.
Having finished word, first make sure that there are no objects under the motorcycle or lift before
re-lowering the motorcycle. After that, very SLOWLY activate the deblocking valve to lower the
DO NOT allow untrained persons to use the lift.
DO NOT modify the lift.
DO NOT expose the lift to rain or snow.
Make sure to have read the operational manual of the lift before using it. Bad use of the lift may
lead to damages or severe injuries.
When not in use, the lift should be stored in a dry spot of your storeroom that is as low as
possible; thus, you will prevent the piston from rusting.
Keep the lift clean and remove every sign of oil and lubricating grease. Only lubricate the mov-
able joints.
Regularly check if (pressure) pistons are free of rust. Clean exposed parts with a clean, oiled
Before use, re-check all components. With a component being damaged or unusable, first have
it repaired.
In case the lifting force diminishes, open the drain valve and pump fifteen to twenty times to
remove needless air from the hydraulic system.
© by WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH
Adjustable operation
height (with supports)
Item 50797
Contact surface
Contact surface (㎜)
(supports) (㎜)
Page 3

