Google Now Tm; Voice Search & Voice Actions - RCA 11 Galileo Pro RCT6513W87 DK User Manual

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Move apps or widgets: Press & hold an icon or widget,
slowly to drag it to the screen edge, the screen will
D e l e t e a p p s o r w i d g e t s : P r e s s & h o l d a n i c o n o r
widget, when the "X" icon appears at the top of the
screen, drag the icon or widget into it.
Press & hold the screen on your Home screen, and the
wallpaper icon will display, tap it and choose a wallpager.
Google Now
To create a truly personalized experience, using your
location and personal Google account information, use
Google Now. Touch and Hold the Home icon, and slide
up to the Google Now icon. Follow the instructions to
setup your Google Now experience.
Voice Search & Voice Actions
Turn Voice Search or Voice Action On
You can initiate a Voice Search or Voice Action by tapping
the Microphone icon on top of the Home screen.
When you're viewing the Google Now screen, you don't
have to touch anything. Just say "Google."
Note: To detect when you say "Google" to launch Voice
Search or Voice Actions, your tablet analyzes sound
picked up by your tablet's microphone in intervals of a few
seconds or less.

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