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Summary of Contents for Little Seeds 6946321COM

  • Page 1 B346946321COM0...
  • Page 2 - Call 1-800-489-3351 Serious or fatal crushing injuries can occur from tipping furniture. Follow little seeds on WARNING: Manufacturer assumes no liability for improper installation or excessive loads placed on screws or bracket. This wall anchor is not a substitute for proper adult supervision.
  • Page 3: Helpful Hints

    Do NOT return this product! Contact our friendly customer service team first for help. Assembly Tips Call us! 1-800-489-3351 Tube Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm CST Visit to view the limited warranty valid in the U.S. and Canada. Helpful Hints PEOPLE NEEDED FOR ASSEMBLY: 1-2 ESTIMATED ASSEMBLY TIME: 1 HOUR - Open your item in the area you plan to keep it for less heavy lifting...
  • Page 4: Before You Start

    Before You Start Read through each step carefully and follow the proper order Separate and count all your parts and hardware Give yourself enough room for the assembly process Have the following tools: Flat Head Screwdriver, #2 Phillips Head Screwdriver and Hammer Caution: If using a power drill or power screwdriver for screwing, please be aware to slow down and stop when screw is tight.
  • Page 5: Board Identification

    Board Identification Adjustable Shelf (x2) 36946015030 36946015050 Right Panel Left Panel Bottom Fixed Shelf 36946015020 36946015010 36946015040 36946015060 Door (x2) Rear Rail (x2) Front Molding (x2) 36946321070 36946015090 36946015080 This piece is paper board construction. It is not made from wood but is required for Apron the assembly of your unit.
  • Page 6 Board Identification This piece is paper board construction. It is not made from wood but is required for the assembly of your unit.
  • Page 7: Parts List

    Parts List Actual Size (X8) (X8) (X8) (X4) (X8) #A23030 #A80250 #A22610 #A21660 #A22620 confirmat shelf support cam bolt wood dowel cam lock (X16) (X36) (X2) #A12800 #A21110 #A17400 #8 x 1" screw nail #8 x 7/8" bolt (X3) #A53510 angle bracket (X18) (X20)
  • Page 8 Parts List Not Actual Size (X2) #A82800 door track (X4) #A44375 foot (X1) #A84050 wall anchor kit
  • Page 9 Step 1 (X2) (X1) (X8) (X2) #A22610 #A21660 #A22620 #A12800 Quick Assembly Proper orientation of CAM LOCK finished end view edge
  • Page 10 Step 2 (X2) (X1) (X8) (X2) #A22610 #A21660 #A12810 #A22620 Quick Assembly Proper orientation of CAM LOCK finished edge end view
  • Page 11 Step 3 Quick Assembly (X2) (X4) #A22620 #A21660 Proper orientation of CAM LOCK
  • Page 12 Step 4
  • Page 13 Step 5 (X12) (X4) #A12120 #A44375 flat edge front edge
  • Page 14 Step 6 (X4) #A23030 Hole for screw (4) in bottom of front groove.
  • Page 15 Step 7 (X4) #A23030 finished edge
  • Page 16 Step 8 (X4) (X3) (X1) (X6) #A22610 #A53510 #A12120 #A84050 end view Do not fully tighten this screw. * raw edges are shaded
  • Page 17 Step 9
  • Page 18 Step 10 IMPORTANT! THE BACK PANEL IS A STRUCTURAL PART OF THIS UNIT AND MUST BE INSTALLED PROPERLY. (X36) #A21110 With the help of another person, carefully place the unit on its front side. Note: You will nail into back edge of left and right panels.
  • Page 19 Step 11 (X2) #A82800
  • Page 20 Step 12 (X20) (X4) (X4) #A12110 #A71880 #A71870 Position the two doors as shown, with the knob holes to the inside. 11 11 Do not overtighten these two screws. Snug fit only.
  • Page 21 Step 13 FIG. 1 lower postion upper postion Press button and lower guide stem. FIG. 2 This part inserts into The white roller will door track. roll on the top part of the track. Lower the guide stem in the upper door guide (12) as shown in Fig. 1. Position door as shown.
  • Page 22 Step 14 (X2) (X2) (X2) #A17400 #A52795 #A52545 Note: You have a choice of two knob styles to attach to the doors.
  • Page 23 Step 15 For Masonry, Concrete, or other wall materials: Consult your local hardware store for appropriate anchors to securely attach the safety bracket. IMPORTANT: THIS UNIT MUST BE SECURE TO THE WALL TO HELP PREVENT TIPOVER. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS TO INSTALL THE ANTI-TIPPING SAFETY BRACKET PROVIDED WITH THIS PRODUCT.
  • Page 24 Step 16 (X8) #A80250
  • Page 25 MAXIMUM LOADS This unit has been designed to support the maximum loads shown. Exceeding these load limits could cause sagging, instability, product collapse, and/or serious injury. 10 lbs. 4.55 kg 35 lbs. 15.88 kg 35 lbs. 15.88 kg Warning: Risk of injury to persons - do not place a television on this furniture. This furniture is not approved for use with a television.
  • Page 26 Visit your local retailer's website, rate your purchased product and leave us some feedback! We would like to extend a big "Thank You" to all of our customers for taking the time to assemble this Little Seeds product, and to give us your valuable feedback.
  • Page 27 Español Consejos Útiles (página 3) - Abra su artículo en el área donde usted planea utilizarlo para evitar levantar y moverlo menos - Identificar, ordenar y contar las piezas antes de intentar ensamblar - Las clavijas de compresión se golpean con un martillo - Las diapositivas están marcadas con una R (derecha) y L (izquierda) para la colocación correcta - Asegúrese de que siempre este el punto locaizado en la parte superior de bloqueador de leva este volteadohacia borde exterior...
  • Page 28 Español Página 16 No apretar completamente este tornillo. Página 18 ¡IMPORTANTE! EL PANEL TRASERO ES UNA PARTE ESTRUCTURAL DE ESTA UNIDAD Y SE DEBE INSTALAR APROPIADAMENTE. Con la ayuda de otra persona, coloque con cuidado la unidad por el lado de enfrente. Nota: clavar por el borde trasero de los paneles izquierdo y derecho.
  • Page 29 Español Página 23 Para mampostería, concreto u otros materiales de pared: Consultar con su ferretería local para los anclajes apropiados para asegurar de forma segura el soporte de seguridad . IMPORTANTE: ESTA UNIDAD SE DEBE ASEGURAR A LA PARED PARA AYUDAR A EVITAR QUE SE VUELQUE. SIGA ESTAS INSTRUCCIONES PARA INSTALAR EL SOPORTE DE SEGURIDAD ANTI VOLADURAS QUE SE PROPORCIONA CON ESTE PRODUCTO.
  • Page 30 Español Página 25 Registre su producto para recibir lo siguiente: * Detalles de nuevas tendencias - Vistazo a lo nuevo * Encuestas - alec su voz entre su comunidad * Códigos de ofertas y descuentos exclusivos * Fácil y rápido servicio de partes de remplace Para registrar su producto, visite Clasificasión de 5 estrellas Visite el sitio web de su tienda local, califique su comprado...
  • Page 31: Astuces Utiles

    Français Astuces Utiles (page 3) -Ouvrez votre article dans la zone que vous prévoyez de le garder pour moins de levage lourd -Identifier, trier et compter les pièces avant d'essayer d'assembler -Les goujons de compression sont taraudés avec un Marteau -Les glissières sont marquées d'un R (droit) et d'un L (gauche) pour un bon placement -Assurez-vous toujours de faire face la pointe situé...
  • Page 32 Français Page 16 Ne serrez pas cette vis à fond. Page 18 IMPORTANT ! LE PANNEAU ARRIÈRE FAIT PARTIE DE LA STRUCTURE DE CET APPAREIL ET DOIT ÊTRE INSTALLÉ CORRECTEMENT. Avec l'aide d'une autre personne, placez soigneusement l'appareil sur sa face avant. Remarque :Vous clouerez dans le bord arrière des panneaux gauche et droit.
  • Page 33 Français Page 23 Pour la Maçonnerie, le Béton, ou d'autres matériaux pour mur :Adressez-vous à votre quincaillerie locale pour les ancrages appropriés à la fixation ferme du support de sécurité. IMPORTANT :CET APPAREIL DOIT ÊTRE FIXÉ AU MUR POUR ÉVITER LE RENVERSEMENTSUIVEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS POUR INSTALLER LE SUPPORT DE SÉCURITÉ...
  • Page 34 Français Page 24 CHARGES MAXIMALES Ce meuble a été conçu pour supporter les charges maximales indiquées. En excédant ces limites de charge, le meuble pourrait devenir instable, s'effondrer, et/ou causer des blessures graves. AVERTISSEMENT : Risque de blessure corporelle - ne pas placer une télévision sur ce meuble. Ce meuble n'est pas approuvé...