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Owners Manual
Read all instructions before assembling and using your carrier. Failure to follow
each instruction can result in serious injury or death to your baby. Keep instructions
and review them before attempting new carrying positions.
8lbs - 36lbs (3.6kgs - 16.3kgs)
Instruction manuals available in additional languages at:
This box contains: 1-Sash
1-Detachable Hood
Small children can fall through a leg opening. Follow instructions for use.
Only use this carrier for babies between 8 lbs (3.6 kgs) and 36 lbs (16.3 kgs).

 l eg 

 o penings 

 t o 

 fi t 

 b aby's 

 l egs 

 s nugly. 

 W hen 

 f astening 

 s houlder 

 s traps, 

 k eep 

 o ne 

hand on baby at all times.
Possible entanglement or strangulation injury. Keep carrier away from children when not in use.
Make sure all straps are securely tied and free from legs and feet when walking.

 c aution 

 t o 

 a void 

 t he 

 e nd 

 o f 

 s traps 

 f rom 

 g etting 

 c aught 

 i n 

 e scalators, 

 m oving 


 o r 

 c losing 

 d oors.

 S TOP! 

 F irst 

 t ime 

 u sers 

 s hould 

 b e 

 a ssisted 

 b y 


 p artner.


 T he 

 b aby 

 m ust 

 f ace 

 t owards 

 y ou 

 u ntil 

 h e/she 

 c an 

 h old 

 h ead 


upright without assistance.

 T his 

 c arrier 

 i s 

 n ot 

 i ntended 

 t o 

 b e 

 u sed 

 f or 

 B aby 

 F acing 

 O ut 

 P osition.


 C heck 

 t o 

 e nsure 

 a ll 

 b uckles, 

 s naps, 

 s traps, 

 a nd 

 a djustments 

 a re 

secure before each use.

 D O 

 N OT 

 l ean 

 f orward 

 w ith 

 t he 

 b aby 

 i n 

 t he 

 c arrier. 

 D O 

 N OT 

 b end 

 a t 

 t he 

 w aist 



– only bend at the knees to make sure the baby stays securely in the carrier.

 Y our 

 b alance 

 m ay 

 b e 

 a dversely 

 a ffected 

 b y 

 y our 

 m ovement 

 a nd 

 t hat 

 o f 


your baby.

 D O 

 N OT 

 u se 

 " Detachable 

 H ood" 

 i f 

 w earing 

 b aby 

 i n 

 t he 

 B ack 

 C arry 

 P osition. 



 p lace 

 m ore 

 t han 

 o ne 

 c hild 

 i n 

 t his 

 c arrier.

 D O 

 N OT 

 w ear 

 m ore 

 t han 

 o ne 

 c arrier 

 a t 


 t ime 

 e ver.


 l ean 

 a gainst 

 b aby. 


 m ake 

 s ure 

 t here 

 i s 

 e nough 

 r oom 

 a round 

 y our 





 b aby's 

 f ace 

 t o 

 p rovide 


 c lear 

 s ource 

 o f 

 a ir.


 l eave 


 b aby 

 u nattended 

 i n 

 t his 

 c arrier.

 D O 

 N OT 

 U SE 


 I F 


 O R 


 A RE 


 T his 

 p roduct 

 i s 

 s ubject 

 t o 

 w ear 

 a nd 

 t ear 

 o ver 

 t ime. 

 I nspect 

 p rior 

 t o 

 e ach 

 u se.

 D O 

 N OT 

 u se 

 t his 

 c arrier 

 a s 


 c hild 

 r estraint 

 i n 


 m otor 

 v ehicle. 

 T his 

 p roduct 

 w ill 


not properly restrain your baby in the event of a crash.


 A WAY from 

 fi re 

 a nd 

 h eat 

 s ources.

 T his 

 c arrier 

 i s 

 n ot 

 s uitable 

 f or 

 u se 

 d uring 

 s porting 

 a ctivities.

 D O 

 N OT 

 u se 

 i n 

 s howers, 

 p ools 

 o r 

 a ny 

 w ater 

 e nvironments.


Need help?

Need help?

Do you have a question about the Sash and is the answer not in the manual?

Questions and answers

Summary of Contents for Infantino Sash

  • Page 1 • 

 T his 

 c arrier 

 i s 

 n ot 

 s uitable 

 f or 

 u se 

 d uring 

 s porting 

 a ctivities. • 

 D O 

 N OT 

 u se 

 i n 

 s howers, 

 p ools 

 o r 

 a ny 

 w ater 

 e nvironments. This box contains: 1-Sash 1-Detachable Hood...
  • Page 2: Helpful Hints

    Carrier Body: Helpful Hints: Refer to these parts when reading the instructions. The Sash is based on a centuries-old style of baby wearing that allows for ® Detachable 

 H ood maximum 

 c omfort 

 a nd 

 fl exibility. 

 T he 

 m any 

 w ays 

 t o 

 w ear 

 t he 

 S ash allows you ®...
  • Page 3 Instructions: While 

 h olding 

 b aby 

 s ecurely 

 w ith 

 y our 

 r ight 


 u se 

 y our 

 l eft 

 h and 

 t o 

 r each 

 b ehind 

 y our 

 Carrier use for an Infant: Facing-In Position back 

  • Page 4 While 

 h olding 

 b aby 

 s ecurely 

 w ith 

 y our 

 r ight 

 Carrier use for an Older Baby: hand, 

 u se 

 y our 

 l eft 

 h and 

 t o 

 r each 

 b ehind 

 y our 

 Back Carry Position Assisted back 

  • Page 5 Take 

 “ shoulder 

 s traps” 

 d own 

 o ver 

 y our 

 s houlders 


 c arrier 

 i s 

 p roperly 

 t ied, 

 l ift 

 b aby 

 u p 

 a nd 

 (like a backpack).
  • Page 6 Carefully 

 u ntie 

 t he 

 “ waist 

 s trap” 

 a nd 

 r emove 

 b aby 

 from carrier. BEFORE USING THIS CARRIER: Review and save the Instruction Manual for future reference. Please call Infantino at 1-800-840-4916 (for US or Canada) with any questions or visit our website Made in China.
  • Page 7 • 


 E ste 

 p roducto 

 e stá 

 s ujeto 


 d esgaste 

 a l 

 p aso 

 d el 

 t iempo. 

 I nspecciónelo 

 a ntes 

 d e 


 cada uso. Esta caja contiene: 1-Sash 1-Capucha desprendible...
  • Page 8: Sugerencias Útiles


 m ejor 

 l imitar 

 e l 

 u so 

 d e 

 s u 

 t ransportador 


 1 0-­20 

 m inutos 

 h asta 

 q ue 

 u sted 


 s u 

 b ebé 

 estén completamente a gusto con él juntos. Al usar el Sash más alto en su pecho (o espalda, en función de la posición de trans- ®...
  • Page 9 Instrucciones: Mientras 

 s ostiene 

 a l 

 b ebé 

 fi rmemente 

 c on 

 l a 


 d erecha, 

 u se 

 l a 

 m ano 

 i zquierda 

 p ara 

 mirando hacia dentro llegar 

  • Page 10 Mientras 

 s ostiene 

 a l 

 b ebé 

 fi rmemente 

 c on 

 l a 

 m ano 


 u se 

 l a 

 m ano 

 i zquierda 

 p ara 

 l legar 

 d etrás 

 transporte a la espalda asistido de 

  • Page 11 Tome 

 l as 

 “ correas 

 d e 

 l os 

 h ombros” 

 b ajándolas 


 v ez 

 q ue 

 e l 

 t ransportador 

 e sté 

 c orrectamente 

 por los hombros (como una mochila).
  • Page 12 ANTES DE USAR ESTE TRANSPORTADOR: Revise y guarde el Manual de Instrucciones para consultarlo más adelante. Llame a Infantino al 1-800-840-4916 (para los EE.UU. o Canadá) o visite nuestro sitio Web Hecho en China. saque al bebé del transportador.
  • Page 13 AVERTISSEMENT: RISQUE DE CHUTE Porte-bébé Sash ® Les petits bébés peuvent glisser par une des ouvertures pour les jambes et tomber. Mode d’emploi Suivez les instructions d’utilisation. Utilisez ce porte-bébé uniquement pour les bébés qui pèsent 

 e ntre 


 l b 

 ( 3.6 

 k g) 

 e t 

 3 6 

 l b 

 ( 16.3 

 k g). 

 R églez 

 l es 

 o uvertures 

 p our 

 l es 

 j ambes 

 a fin 

  • Page 14: Conseils Utiles






 d e 

 l ’eau. Conseils utiles: Bandoulières La conception du porte-bébé Sash ® 

 e st 

 i nspirée 

 d ’une 

 f açon 

 d e 

 p orter 

 l es 

 b ébés 

  • Page 15 Tout 

 e n 

 t enant 

 f ermement 

 l e 

 b ébé 

 a vec 

 l a 

 Utilisation du porte-bébé pour un nourrisson: Position main droite, passez la main gauche derrière votre dos pour agripper la bandoulière placée du côté...
  • Page 16 Tout 

 e n 

 t enant 

 f ermement 

 l e 

 b ébé 

 a vec 

 l a 

 m ain 

 droite, passez la main gauche derrière votre dos pour agripper la bandoulière placée du côté opposé de votre 

  • Page 17 Abaissez les bandoulières devant vos épaules Une fois le porte-bébé correctement attaché, (comme 

 u n 

 s ac 


 d os). 

 T irez 

 s ur 

 l es 

 b andoulières 

 soulevez le bébé et placez-le contre votre pour vous assurer qu’elles sont bien serrées, puis hanche.
  • Page 18 Détachez 

 a vec 

 p récaution 

 l a 

 s angle 

 a bdominale, 

 p uis 

 Passez en revue le mode d’emploi et conservez-le pour consultation ultérieure. Veuillez appeler Infantino au 1-800-840-4916 (É.-U. et Canada) si vous avez des questions, ou visitez notre site Web sortez le bébé du porte-bébé.