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Troubleshooting - icon Audio PS1 MK II Manual


may be used without the MC step-up transformers,
but there may be a noise penalty. Or you may
choose to use an external step-up device. Moving
coil pickups generally give superior performance to
MM as records are originally cut with MC cutters. So
the two systems are sonically compatible. Our high
quality British made transformers will optimise the
performance of your PS1.
The PS1 may be returned to us in the future to
have this upgrade fitted (£230.00 @ 04/2011).
8. Volume
The PS1 has a high output (1.6v 5mv input) and is
capable of driving most power amps directly.
However the output may prove to high for most
integrated or pre-amps, therefore back off the volume
control of the PS1 to get a similar level to CD or
radio. This will help with the noise level. Normal
position is about "3 o'clock".
4 Getting the best from your PS1
Hum problems
Like any phono stage the PS1 will pick up hum from
other hi fi and electrical units. This can be minimised
by taking care to site both the pre-amp and power
supply away from both each other and other
On the rear of the PS1 is an "earth" or "ground
Lift" switch. This will minimise any hum that is due
to an "earth loop" (to many earths). If on initial setting
up you are aware of loud hum, try this switch first,
and leave in the position that gives the minimum
hum. If you do not notice any difference, leave in the
"Earth position. Bear in mind that subsequent
alterations to your system may make it necessary to
change this setting.
As a rough guide, when set up correctly the hum
should be at about the same level as the
background noise as you advance the volume on
your amp. You dealer or Icon can advise you.
The PS1 is not particularly sensitive to hum in
Moving Magnet mode, but this will depend upon the
hum field of associated equipment such as amplifiers
Moving Coil requires 10x more gain and therefore is
more sensitive to hum and noise from adjacent
equipment, so it makes sense to spend a little time
experimenting in order to find the best site for your
PS1, arranging your turntable and cables for least
interference. Keep the turntable signal lead away
from power cables and other equipment.
Most problems associated with hi fi equipment
involve connecting leads. Always make sure you
have good connections and use good quality
interconnects. Your dealer will advise you.
5 General points
Some mobile phone 'breakthrough' is normal
Storage in damp conditions could damage
disconnected. Do not use solvents.
Keep liquids away from the power supply and
pre amp.
Allow about 30 seconds after switching off
before switching on again.
Always switch off and allow about 5 mins
discharge time before making any adjustments
such as changing valves.
Do not operate power supply without connecting
to the preamp.
Connecting Leads
Use good quality connecting cords, which are no
longer than they need to be.
Leaving the amp switched on
Transistor equipment needs to be left on for a long
period to reach its optimum sound. With valves this
takes minutes. Therefore there is no advantage in
leaving the PS1 switched on when it is not in use. It
is using electricity and valves have a finite life,
(averaging about 5000 hours or LPs). Do not switch
on and off unnecessarily. From new the PS1 will take
about 30 hours before it is "burnt in".
6 Trouble shooting
Amplifier Dead
If the LEDs or valves do not light up, check the AC
mains fuse at the back of the power supply. To gain
access, remove the mains lead. The fuse is in a
small plastic drawer, which forms part of the socket
assembly. To open insert a flat bade screwdriver or
similar and prise open. The fuse in use is the
innermost the outer is a spare. Should the
replacement fuse also blow there is a fault.
Replacements should be 1 or 2 Amp 'anti-surge' as
The fuse in the mains plug (if it has one) should be a
3 amp fuse, although unlikely, this should be checked
if the amplifier fuse is OK.
No sound
Have you selected the right input? Are the
connections OK? Is everything switched on? Are the
speakers connected? Is the correct input selected?
(MM or MC). Or MC selected on the MM only
If you experience unacceptable noise (hissing
crackling) etc, this is usually caused by either the Left
or Right valves at the front. You can normally prove
this by swapping the front valves over Left to Right, in
which case the noise will probably follow the valve.
Often a noisy valve will work OK as the output valve
at the rear. If after swapping the left/right valves over
the noise does not move then the PS1 requires
service. Your dealer or Icon Audio can assist you
with this.
Icon Audio are happy to replace valves and check
to performance of your amplifier free of charge,
there are often upgrades available such as the

