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Spektrum AS3X Manual page 5


You may find a BNF aircraft which must have the throttle raised before AS3X becomes active.
Some planes are fussy and need larger distance between Tx and Rx before they beep and become flight
With two antenna such as found on the AR636, make an effort to mount such that the the tips of the two
antenna are at 90 deg from one another.
For some, ESC calibration is accomplished by setting Tx throttle lever to max, then plugging in the
airplane battery. The ESC beeps repeatedly, at which point you lower the throttle to the bottom. ESC
pauses then beeps again. Then gives the OK beep and is ready to go.
If you are limited to 6 Ch on the Tx, implementation of flight modes can get tricky. For example if gear
and flaps are utilized, there is no additional channel to assign to a flight mode switch. It is possible to
associate flight modes with Gear or Flaps but it's far from ideal. When forced by this situation, I'll have a
single flight mode of moderate AS3X influence.
I prefer to leave Heading Gain set to zero. If the wind bumps the aircraft, Rate Gain will react to reduce
the effect. Heading Gain will go further and work to return to heading. Look to other references to take
advantage of Heading Gain.
I have not made use of expo and mixing with the AS3X programmer. I routinely do mixing and
high/med/low rates in the Tx without getting into trouble with the AS3X. Someday I may discover what
I'm missing.

