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General Operation - iBell OS23-46 Operator's Manual

Orbital sander


this may cause damage to the motor. Let the tool do the work.
 Always use the side/auxiliary handle.
 Inspect sanding disc frequently and change the disc when grit is
worn and not able to perform properly.
Refer page no. 6 and 7 for the specific instructions before
operating the tool.
 The Orbital Sander should always be held with both hands, one
on the trigger switch handle, and other on the side handle.
 Always clamp and sec
 ure the work piece to prevent it from moving under the sander.
 Place sander on the work so that all of sanding disc surface is in
contact with work piece. Let the sanding disc come to full speed
before applying it onto the work.
 Start the sander and move it slowly over, making successive
passes in parallel lines, circles, or crosswise movements. Apply
just enough pressure to align the base with the work surface.
 Move the sander across the work surface in long overlapping
sweeps. Apply only enough pressure to keep the abrasive disc flat
against the work surface. Excessive pressure should be avoided as
it can cause swirl marks and unevenness in the work surface.
 Keep the sander in constant motion while the abrasive disc is in
contact with the work surface. Use a steady, sweeping motion,
allowing the rotating abrasive disc to float over the work surface.
 Once the sanding task has been completed, turn OFF the sander
by releasing the trigger. If the sander has been locked ON, press
down the lock button and trigger to release them, and your tool
will turn OFF.
Empty dust bag frequently so that the collection system works
properly. Also to help prevent possible hazards.
 Do not use the sander without sanding disc.
 Always continue sanding with each grit until the surface is uniform.


Do not force the tool or apply excessive pressure,
IBL OS23-46

