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Habitat Jambi Assembly Instructions page 2

Multicolour lounge chair


Take care when moving furniture -
dragging it across the floor will loosen
and damage the joints. Always lift and
This furniture can be kept outside all
year around, however we advise
covering it or moving it to a sheltered
area during prolonged wet weather and
the winter months. If covering please
ensure the furniture is completely dry
first, and that the cover allows airflow.
Do not leave standing in water.
Dust regularly with a clean dry cloth.
The use of furniture polish or spray is
not necessary or recommended.
Remove stubborn stains with weak
washing up solution and a damp cloth
and then wipe dry with a clean dry
Wipe up any spills immediately with a
damp cloth and then dry the surface
with a clean dry duster.
Important: Recommended
maximum load for this
lounge chair is 120KG.
If paintwork finish on frame becomes
chipped or damaged, please treat
exposed area with rust inhibitor
immediately and then touch up with a
colour matching paint that is suitable
for use on metalwork.
Never use abrasive cleaners as they
will scratch the finish.
Do NOT clean with the following or
products containing the following:
Acetone (e.g. nail varnish remover),
Ammonia (e.g. bleach) or Sodium
hydroxide (e.g. Caustic soda, drain
and oven cleaners). In the event of
accidental contact rinse thoroughly
with water.

