Chapter 1: Safety Considerations; Inspection; Grounding In The Faraday Shield; Temperature And Ventilation - Gamry Instruments Faraday Shield Operator's Manual

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Chapter 1: Safety Considerations

Your Faraday Shield has been supplied in a safe condition. This chapter of the Operator's Manual contains some
information and warnings that you must follow to insure continued safe operation.


When you receive your Faraday Shield, inspect it for evidence of shipping damage. If any damage is noted, please
notify Gamry Instruments Inc. and the shipping carrier immediately. Save the shipping container for possible
inspection by the carrier.

Grounding in the Faraday Shield

The metal case of the Faraday Shield is not connected to an earth ground. Grounding is best accomplished by
connecting the ground lead of the potentiostat to the internal ground lug of the Faraday Shield. Proper grounding
is required for the Faraday cage to function.
Most electrochemical cells are isolated from earth ground, in which cases isolation of the Faraday Shield from
earth is not required. Connection of the Faraday Shield to an earth ground (when allowed) may lower the noise
seen in an electrochemical test.
Sources of earth ground include:
• most metal water pipes
• the chassis of most electronic apparatus (which are generally earth grounded)
• the protective ground terminal of an AC mains power plug
We recommend that you discuss grounding with an electrical or electronics professional
prior to making this earth ground connection.
This connection of the Faraday Shield to an earth ground is not a "Protective Earth Ground" as defined in IEC 1010.
The Faraday Shield is safe in the absence of this connection, for it does not contain any hazardous voltages.
Warning! Do not connect the Faraday Shield's ground binding post to any voltage other
than a potentiostat's floating or earth ground. An improper connection can create a safety
hazard, which could result in personal injury or death.

Temperature and ventilation

Your Faraday Shield was designed for indoor use at ambient temperatures between 0C and 45C. You may need
to ventilate or even cool the Faraday Shield with forced air if the temperature rises excessively.
Chapter 1: Safety Considerations - Inspection
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Table of Contents

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