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Sealey VS0061.V2 Instructions page 2

Combustion leakage tester


or cracked head.
Alternatively the tester can be used without the bulb attached as shown in fig.2c. In this configuration the steam will automatically
pass into the upper chamber. Take care to keep limbs and face away from any jet of steam being expelled from the hole in the top of the
As soon as the test is complete turn off the engine and allow the system to cool for a while. Before removing the tester from the
radiator or header tank open the tap on component 'e' to allow any remaining pressurised steam to escape. Thick gloves must be
worn during this process and when the tester and adaptor are removed from the radiator.
Remove the upper chamber from the lower chamber by twisting them apart. Pump the bulb several times to draw fresh air into the
chamber. When the air mixes with the test fluid it should return to a blue colour and can be retained for future use. See fig.1b.
HanD-HeLD Cone Configuration.
Where no adaptor is available a rubber cone can be fitted to the bottom of the tester as shown in fig.3a. This allows the tester to be
held in place on a header tank (see fig.3b) or radiator opening (see fig.3c).
Warning! Thick protective gloves must be worn when using the tester in this configuration to protect the operator from any
escaping steam. Great care should be taken when placing the adaptor over the radiator or header tank opening and also when
removing it.
Fill the upper chamber with test fluid up to the dotted line.
Remove the radiator or header tank cap. Turn on the vehicle engine and wait for steam to appear. Place the tester onto the radiator
or header tank opening and hold it down and steady so that it makes an effective seal against the opening.
As soon as steam appears in the lower chamber pump the bulb to draw the steam into the upper chamber and observe the colour
of the test fluid. If the fluid turns yellow this indicates the presence of CO ² in the coolant and the need to investigate further for a
suspect cylinder head gasket or cracked head.
As soon as the test is complete remove the tester from the radiator opening and turn the engine off. When there is no more steam
emanating from the opening replace the cap.
Remove the upper chamber from the lower chamber by twisting them apart. Pump the bulb several times to draw fresh air into the
chamber. When the air mixes with the test fluid it should return to a blue colour and can be retained for future use. See fig.1b.
© Jack Sealey limited
Original Language Version
VS0061.V2 Issue 2 (HF) 08/05/18

