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Gardena 1538-27 Operating Instructions Manual

Gardena 1538-27 Operating Instructions Manual

Turbo-driven pop-up sprinkler 200 with nipple/turbo-driven pop-up sprinkler 200


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Operating Instructions
Turbo-Driven Pop-Up Sprinkler 200 with Nipple / Turbo-Driven Pop-Up Sprinkler 200
Instrukcja montażu
Zraszacz wynurzlany turbinowy 200 z nyplem / Zraszacz wynurzalny turbinowy 200
Szerelési útmutató
Süllyesztett turbina esőztető 200 csatlakozóval / Süllyesztett turbina esőztető 200
Návod k montáži
Turbínový výsuvný zadešťovač 200 s kolínkem / Turbínový výsuvný zadešťovač 200
°Ú·Ó·˙ˆÙfi ÔÙÈÛÙÈÎfi Pop-Up 200 Ì ۇӉÂÛÌÔ L /
°Ú·Ó·˙ˆÙfi ÔÙÈÛÙÈÎfi Pop-Up 200
Montaj kılavuzu
Türbinli Gömme Püskürtücü 200 (Nipelli) / Türbinli Gömme Püskürtücü 200
о о
Mode d'emploi
Arroseur escamotable à turbine avec raccord 200 /Arroseur escamotable à turbine 200
Art. 1538-27
Art. 1539-27



Summary of Contents for Gardena 1538-27

  • Page 1 Art. 1538-27 Art. 1539-27 Operating Instructions Turbo-Driven Pop-Up Sprinkler 200 with Nipple / Turbo-Driven Pop-Up Sprinkler 200 Instrukcja montażu Zraszacz wynurzlany turbinowy 200 z nyplem / Zraszacz wynurzalny turbinowy 200 Szerelési útmutató Süllyesztett turbina esőztető 200 csatlakozóval / Süllyesztett turbina esőztető 200 Návod k montáži...
  • Page 2 Install sprinkler (A): Select nozzle: ∂ÈÏÔÁ‹ ·ÎÚÔÊ˘Û›Ô˘: 1. For 1538-27: Install the sprinkler on a bed of coarse You have a choice of 4 nozzles for the watering sector. °È· ÙÔ˘˜ ÙÔÌ›˜ ÔÙ›ÛÌ·ÙÔ˜ ˘¿Ú¯Ô˘Ó 4 ·ÎÚÔʇÛÈ· gravel (10 x 10 x 10 cm ) to allow proper drainage Each nozzle distributes a different quantity of water (l/h).
  • Page 3 Exchanging the Nozzle (B): Set the Sector (C): 1. Unscrew screw and pull out nozzle using a The settings can be selected after the sprinkler has been installed. screwdriver. 1. Set the arrow to the left edge of the sector you want to water 2.
  • Page 4 Set the Range (D): Cleaning the Sprinkler and Dirt Filter (E): Set the range during operation using the screw 1. Unscrew the nut , remove the sprinkler, and rinse the (Turn the screw clockwise to reduce the range). sprinkler and dirt filter under running water.
  • Page 5: Troubleshooting

    Trouble-Shooting: ¢ÈfiÚıˆÛË ‚Ï·‚ÒÓ: Fault Possible Cause Remedy µÏ¿‚Ë ¶Èı·Ó‹ ∞ÈÙ›· ∞ÓÙÈÌÂÙÒÈÛË Sprinkler piston does not pop up. Insufficient water pressure. Reduce the number of sprinklers ∆Ô ¤Ì‚ÔÏÔ ÙÔ˘ ÔÙÈÛÙÈÎÔ‡ ¶Ôχ ¯·ÌËÏ‹ ›ÂÛË ÓÂÚÔ‡. ªÂÈÒÛÙ ÙÔÓ ·ÚÈıÌfi ÙˆÓ ÔÙÈÛÙÈÎÒÓ per watering line. ‰ÂÓ...
  • Page 6 Martinkyläntie 52 Postboks 214 Hans-Lorenser-Str. 40 01720 Vantaa 2013 Skjetten 89079 Ulm France Poland GARDENA France GARDENA Polska Sp. z o.o. Argentina Service Après-Vente Szymanów 9d Argensem S.A. BP 50080 05-532 Baniocha Venezuela 1075 95948 ROISSY CDG Cedex (1618) El Talar - Buenos Aires...
  • Page 7 1538-20.965.01...

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