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Velleman-Kit K8031 Illustrated Assembly Manual page 13

Digital pc scope


23. Test and adjustment
• Install the PC-Lab2000 software (see getting started manual)
• Connect the unit using a parallel cable to the computer LPT port.
• Connect a 9V/500mA power supply to the unit. (check the polarity). The LED
on the front panel should lid.
• Start the PC-Lab2000 software and select K8031 hardware and the appropri-
ate port.
• Short circuit the input using an appropriate probe or connection.
• Press the RUN button.
For all adjustment select DC input and Trigger off
Offset adjustment:
• Make sure that the Y position slider is in the centre position
• Switch always between 1V/div and 3V/div setting
• Adjust RV1 until the signal remains stable in the centre of the screen
Transient adjustment and calibration:
• Select 1V/div
• Connect the input to test point J4
• Adjust CV1 until the signal top is as flat as possible
Fig. 1
• In the VIEW menu select "RMS value"
• Adjust RV2 until the signal is 2.5Vrms
• Select 0.3V/div
• Connect the input to test point J3
• Using the Y position slider set the signal in the centre of the screen
• Adjust CV2 until the signal top is as flat as possible
Repeat the transient adjustment and calibration at least once.
Finally use the calibrate and exit option in the File menu to complete the calibration.
Mount the cover onto the enclosure (fold the screen foil).
The unit is now ready for use. Check the CD for more information.
Test & adjustment

