Engine Oils; Brake Fluid - Mercedes-Benz 300 SD 1978 Owner's Manual

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Engine Oils

Engine oils are specifically tested for
their suitability in our engines.
Therefore, use only engine oils
recom m ended by us. Inform ation on
recom m ended brands is available at
any MERCEDES-BENZ service
A new or reco nditioned engine is filled
with an initial operation oil in the
factory or in a MERCEDES-BENZ
service station. This oil is specially
developed fo r the specific operating
conditions du rin g the first 300— 600
miles (500— 1,000 km).
A recom m ended engine oil may be
used fo r to p p in g up if the oil level
drops to the d ipstick m inim um mark
Lubricants etc.
p rio r to the first service 300— 600
miles (500— 1,000 km).

Brake Fluid

B ra ke flu id should be changed once a
year, preferably in spring. Only use
brake fluid recom m ended by us. For
fu rth e r inform ation, refer to " Save
D riving" .


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