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Velleman-Kit High-Q K6703 Manual page 17

Remote codelock receiver


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push button is pressed (TOGGLE). This setting is normally used
for switching alarms on and off, to operate central door locks, to
switch a light ON/OFF, etc. In combination with our car alarm
K3504 this setting should be used.
ATTENTION: Do NOT use the supplied end of copper wire to
make jumpers!
Mount jumper TOGGLE for an ON/OFF or toggle contact.
Mount jumper MOMENT for a momentary contact.
Mount the jumpers marked with J on the print.
Mount the resistors:
R21, 100 ohm (brown, black, brown)
R22, 12K (brown, red, orange)
R23 and R24, 47K (yellow, purple, orange)
R25, 470 ohm (yellow, purple, brown)
R26, 470K (yellow, purple, yellow)
R27 to R29, 10K (brown, black, orange)
R30, 220K (red, red, yellow)
R31, 680 ohm (blue, grey, brown)
Mount the diodes. Watch the polarity!
D1 to D5, diodes of the 1N4148 series or equivalent
D6 and D7, diodes of the 1N4000 series.
Mount the IC sockets for IC1 to IC3.
Mount the transistors:
T1, BF199
T2, BF959
T3, BC547 C , sometimes marked as C BC547
T4 to T8, BC547 B , sometimes marked as B BC547
Mount the capacitors:
C1 and C2, 2pF (2p2) ceramic
C3, 22pF ceramic
C4, (next to L1) 1nF ceramic (sometimes marked as 102)

