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Rabid Elephant NATURAL GATE User Manual page 9


Patch Examples & Tips 
Here are some patches that show some of the capabilities of Natural Gate. 
Traditional LPG 
Patch audio into IN and apply a signal to the HIT input to trigger the gate. Set OPEN fully down. 
Start with the CTRL trimmer set till the zero LED illuminates, then adjust DECAY to taste. If you want 
to control the envelope with another source, plug this source into the CTRL input. Adjust controls to 
Natural Gate shines when you start to modulate the CTRL and DECAY INputs with external sources. 
This can add amplitude and spectral dynamics to make the gate sound quite human. 
Pitch Scaled Decay 
As described in full detail below, Natural Gate shortens the decay of higher pitched information. It 
turns out this is how many acoustic instruments operate. But in a synthesizer context, this could be 
If you wish for higher pitched notes to have similar decay lengths as lower notes, patch in your 1V/oct 
signal into the DECAY jack. Adjust the attenuator and DECAY controls to taste. 
Ghost Notes 
The particular way the VC decay circuitry was designed led to this rather unique ability: ghost notes! 
Patch a channel of Pressure Points (or Knobs or anything with two or more voltage settings you can 
choose/switch between) to the DECAY CV jack. Set one setting to 0V or a very low value and the 
other to maximum value (5V or more). Put the DECAY slider about 25% up. Sent the PP gate output 
to the HIT input. Press the pad with the low setting, then, without lifting your finger from the first 
pad, press the 2nd pad (with the larger setting) shortly thereafter. You should hear the ringing of the 
same note when you press the 2nd pad giving a 'hitless' note; a ghost note! 
A Nice Sounding 'VCA' 
Normal VCAs for audio amplitude control do not always sound right. Using Natural Gate as a VCA will 
inject a much more natural way of increasing/decreasing loudness and is how many instruments 
actually operate. Most synthesists already use filters for volume control purposes but Natural Gate 
will fully close, where many filters may not, requiring a VCA post. Use the CTRL INput to control 
Natural Gate from external envelopes. 
Envelope Generator 
Since Natural Gate is DC-coupled and we've normalled a DC voltage to the IN when nothing is 
plugged in, you will get Natural Gate's envelope at the OUT jack. Send them around as you wish. You 
can also plug something other than audio to the IN for Natural Gate to process. 

