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Maintenance - Qbo MILK MASTER Maintenance Manual



First read the safety warnings carefully and only use
the product as described in these instructions to
avoid accidental injury or damage.
Milk can spoil quickly. For perfect milk froth and optimal hygiene,
clean the MILK MASTER in two easy steps: Rinse out the MILK
MASTER before putting it in the fridge, and clean it thoroughly every
3 to 4 days by hand. 
Why should I rinse out the MILK MASTER?
To remove the majority of the milk residue. Rinsing the MILK
MASTER does not under any circumstances replace cleaning it by
When should I rinse out the MILK MASTER?
We recommend always rinsing out the MILK MASTER before put-
ting it in the fridge. A notification will automatically be displayed on
the YOU-RISTA after each drink you prepare with milk. You can
rinse out the MILK MASTER in between drinks or at a later time.
Tip: With firmware version 1.21 or higher of the YOU-RISTA, we
have optimized the rinsing process so that if you rinse the MILK
MASTER regularly, it only needs to be washed by hand every 3-4
If you would like to rinse out the
MILK MASTER immediately after
preparing a drink with milk:
Select Now (1.).
Press the dial (2.) to start
You will not need an extra
If you would NOT like to rinse out
the MILK MASTER immediately
after preparing a drink with milk:
Select Later (1.).
Press the dial (2.) to cancel the
rinsing process.
The maintenance menu button
lights up red until you
rinse out or remove the MILK
MASTER later. See section
"Rinsing at a later time".
Rinsing at a later time
As soon as "Rinsing of MILK
MASTER completed" is displayed,
the rinsing process is finished.
The red lit-up maintenance menu
will then go out.
To return to the drinks menu,
press the dial or wait about 3
The machine will be ready to pre-
pare another coffee once the
drinks menu is displayed again.
Tip: If you would like to rinse the
MILK MASTER with more
water, simply fill the empty
MILK MASTER with water
after use and then prepare a
milk specialty (e.g. "hot milk
If you have interrupted the
rinsing process for the
MILK MASTER, it should be
later. Proceed as follows:
Press the maintenance menu
Select the menu option
Rinse (1.).
Press the dial (2.) to start
You will not need an extra

