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Safety Guidelines - Teufel Concept R 2 Technical Specifications And Operating Manual

5.1 home theatre set with active subwoofer


Please read the following sa-
fety guidelines very carefully.
Packaging materials,
particularly plastic bags and
foils, should
be kept out of childrens' reach,
as these can be dangerous
(e.g., risk
of suffocation). Never leave your
children alone with electrical
devices, as there is potentially
always a risk of electrical shock.
In case of an emergency:
Immediately disconnect the
unit's power plug from the
mains socket. In the following
cases, please contact one of our
service technicians:
4Power plug or cable is
4Liquid or other foreign
substances have entered
the interior of the unit
4The unit has been directly
exposed to rain or
another type of liquid
4The unit is inoperational
even though you have
followed all the operating
4The unit has been dropped
or otherwise damaged
Lautsprecher Teufel is not lia-
ble for any incidents resulting
from disregard for the safety
· Concept R 2

Safety guidelines

General note: Make sure to read this operating manual care-
fully and in its entirety. Before plugging in the unit for the first
time, make sure you have complied with all relevant safety and
operating instructions. Keep this operating manual in a safe
place so you can refer to it at a later date if necessary.
Always: If in doubt, consult the operating manual. Make sure
to comply with all instructions regarding the unit's set-up and
Cleaning: Avoid cleaning the unit with domestic cleaning
agents, as these may scratch the surface. Just use a dry cloth.
Before cleaning the unit, always unplug the power cable.
Humidity and sunlight: Never operate the unit in humid or
wet spaces, e.g., near a bath tub, shower, wash basin, drain, in
a damp basement, or near a swimming pool. Never expose the
loudspeaker to humidity, and avoid exposing it to direct sour-
ces ofsunlight. Do not expose device to dripping or splashing
water. Do not place objects filled with liquids, such as vases on
the device.
Placement: Never mount the unit loosely in a vehicle, on an
unstable surface, on a loose stand, on unsuitable furniture, or
with insufficient bracing. The loudspeaker could topple and cau-
se personal injuries, which you will be liable for. Especially when
speakers are mounted on stands or placed on top of TV sets/
monitors, they may topple due to external stress (cable being
pulled, tripping over cable, accidental physical contact) – even
if they seem to be mounted quite securely. As a result of their
weight, toppling speakers can cause considerable damage, as
well as becoming badly damaged themselves. The same applies
to undersized or unprofessionally installed wall-mounting bra-
ckets, particularly on light walls. Always use adequately sized
wall brackets for mounting loudspeakers, and ensure that the
wall can withstand the stress. Never mount the unit near a
heat source. This could be a heater or oven, but also any other
electrical device that heats up during operation (e.g., amplifier).
Similarly, never place a heat source on top of the loudspeaker,
such as a fan heater or candles.
Ventilation: There are several ventilation slits and openings in
the unit's housing. These are designed to ensure reliable opera-
tionand protect the unit from overheating. Never block or cover
the ventilation slits; do not place the unit on a soft surface such
as a bed, couch, carpet, etc., as this blocks the ventilation slits
in the bottom of the housing. Do not put any newspapers, table-
cloths, etc. on top of the unit. Most importantly, do not cover up
the heatsink of the amplifier section or expose it to direct sun-
light. Conversely, you should generally not attempt to provide
additional cooling to the unit yourself. This is not necessary.
Power source: Make sure to connect the subwoofer to a po-
wer source that provides the correct voltage, i.e., the voltage
indicated on the type plate. If you are unsure about the voltage
provided by your domestic power connection, please contact us
or your local electricity provider for advice. The unit does not
require earthing. When connecting to the mains power socket,
always use the supplied two-pole power cable. Under no circum-
stances should you modify the power cable, as it must comply
with the official polarity and earthing regulations. Make sure to
plug the power cable only into a double-pole socket.
Cables: Lay all the cables to and from the unit flush with the
floor and walls. Avoid any loops in your cables that could cause
people to trip up. Cable loops can also cause electrical inter-
ference and degrade the sound quality. Make sure to lay your
power cables out of reach so that they are not stood on or
squashed by heavy objects. If you notice any cable damage, re-
place the cable. Pay special attention to all plug connectors, the
mains socket, and the subwoofer's connector panel. Regularly
check all powered cables to and from the loudspeakers for in-
sulation issues and breakage. If you detect a fault, immediately
power down all connected units, unplug the cables and replace
the defective cable.
Disuse: During prolonged periods of disuse (holidays, etc.), al-
ways unplug the subwoofer from the mains socket.
Thunderstorms: In the event of a thunderstorm, switch off and
unplug the unit as soon as you can in order to avoid damage
from lightning strikes.
Overloading: Never overload your wall sockets, extension ca-
bles and multiboxes, or the integrated power sockets on your
electrical devices. Power overloads can cause short circuits
and fires. Also avoid turning up the volume control excessively
on your amplifier, particularly if you are also boosting the bass
frequencies (bass control, loudness button, bass boost button,
Liquid and foreign substances: Liquids or other foreign sub-
stances should never get inside the unit, as they may interfere
with exposed live parts and cause short circuits or fires. Abso-
lutely avoid spilling any type of liquid onto the unit. In case of a
fault, never attempt to repair the unit yourself. Always contact
our support team first and discuss the fault with them. If ap-
propriate, they may give you instructions on how to clear the
fault. If this is not possible, send the unit directly to ourservice
Transport: Take utmost care when transporting the unit,
and use a sack barrow if possible. Be aware that both the sack
barrow and the unit can easily fall over as a result of sudden
stopping or jolting (uneven ground, lurching movements, etc.).
Replacement parts: During the period of warranty, Laut-
sprecher Teufel will supply all required replacement parts. Your
warranty will not be voided as long as you use Teufel spare parts
to replace any defective components.
Unusual noises: If any unusual noises occur during operation,
or if the sound gets distorted, immediately turn down the am-
plifier volume to a level where the sound returns to normal.
Replacing the fuse:
Unplug the power cable before replacing the fuse. Make sure
that the replacement fuse has the same rating as the defective
Speaker volume: Excessive loudspeaker volume can cause
irreversible hearing loss. The subwoofer may emit high sound
pressure levels very unexpectedly when it is suddenly triggered
into activity by a bass impulse ("Standby/Auto On" mode) – par-
ticularly if the unit is on full volume. As well as physical hearing
loss, also watch out for psychological stress caused by excessive
volume. Children and pets are particularly sensitive to noise. Al-
ways set the volume control of your audio system to a level that
is appropriate to the surroundings. When the system is playing
at high volume, do not stand too closely to the subwoofer and
never put your ears up directly to any of the loudspeakers.

