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Goldstar 7040A Manual page 9


2-1-3 Sweep and Trigger Blocks
(23) HORIZ DISPLAY switches
(24) A TIME/DIV switch
(25) B TIME/DIV switch
(26) DELAY TIME POS control
(27) A VARIABLE control
(27) PULL X 10 MAG switch
(on A VARIABLE control)
(28) UNCAL lamp
(29) Horizontal POSITION control
To select the sweep mode.
A pushbutton sweeps the CRT at the main (A)
timebase rate when pressed.
A INT pushbutton sweeps the CRT at the main (A)
timebase rate when pressed, and the B timebase
intensifies a section of the trace(s). The
location of the intensified section is determined
by the DELAY TIME POS controL
B pushbutton sweeps the CRT at the rate selected
by the B TIME/DIV switch, after a delay
determined by the A TIME/DIV switch and the
B TRIG'D pushbutton sweeps the CRT at the rate
selected by the B TIME/DIV switch when
triggered by the first trigger pulse occuring after
the delay time determined by the A TIME/DIV
switch and the DELAY TIME POS controL
To select either the calibrated sweep rate of the
main (A) timebase, the delay-time range for
delayed-sweep operation, or X-Y operation.
To select the calibrated sweep rate of the
delayed (B) timebase.
To determine the exact starting point within the
A time base delay range at which the B timebase
will begin sweeping.
Provides continuously variable adjustment of
sweep rate between steps of the A TIME/DIV switdn
TIME/DIV calibrations are accurate only when the
A VARIABLE control is click-stopped fully clockwise
To expand the horizontal deflection by 10 times,
thus increasing horizontal sensitivity by 10 times
for X-Y operation, and increasing the effective
sweep speed by 10 times.
Indicates when A VARIABLE controls rotated out
of its click-stopped position.
To adjust the horizontal position of the traces
displayed on the CRT. Clockwise rotation moves
the traces to the right, counterclockwise rota ­
tion moves the traces to the left.

