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Goldstar 7040A Manual page 11


(33) EXT TRIG IN connector
(34) Trigger LEVEL control
(34) Trigger SLOPE switch
(on LEVEL control)
(35) TRIG'D lamp
(36) HOLDOFF control
2-1-4 Miscellaneous Features
(37) EXT BLANKING INPUT connector
(38) CAL connector
(39) Ground connector
For applying external trigger signal to the
trigger circuits.
To select the trigger-signal amplitude at which
triggering occurs. When rotated clockwise. the
trigger point moves toward the positive peak of
the trigger signal. When this control is rotated
counterclockwise. the trigger point moves toward
the negative peak of the trigger signal.
To select the positive or negative slope of the
trigger signal for initiating sweep. Pushed
in. the switch selects the positive (+) slope.
When pulled, this switch selects the negative
(-) slope.
Lights when the sweep generator is being trig­
Allows triggering on certain complex signals
by changing the hold off (dead) time of the
main (A) sweep. This avoids triggering on
intermediate trigger points within the repeti­
tion cycle of the desired display. The holdoff
time increases with clockwise rotation.
NORM is a position"at full counterclockwise
rotation that is used for ordinary signals.
For applying signal to intensity modulate the
CRT. Trace brightness is reduced with a posi­
tive signal, and increased with a negative signal.
Provides a fast-rise square wave of precise
amplitude for probe adjustment and vertical
amplifier calibration.
Provides an attachment point for a separate
ground lead.

