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Festo Pneumatic FRC-E-**-S-B Series Operating Instructions Manual page 6


The followtng procedures should be observed for
trouble free operation of the service unit:
1. Condensate blow-off.
Condensate should be dratned at regular intervals
by opening drain screw @.
Condensate will be blown off under pressure.
If desired, an automatkc condensate drain may be
Installed (order no. 101 844 Type WA-l).
2. Cleaning the falter cartndge and bowl
If the filter cartridge becomes heawly con-
a drop in output pressure.
After removing the filter bowl, turn the retainrng
spring to the left and remove the filter.
Use only the cleamng agwts spec#f!ed:
Filter bowl
5.3 Cleaning the filter bowl
Droplet rate is controlled by adjusting screw @(In
closed positron when delivered). For normal oper-
ating conditions I to 12 drops are sufficient for
every 1000 L of air.
2. Top-up orl as necessary (Festo special 011, Type
OFSW-32, Part. No. 152 811)
6. Safety start-up valve
trouble shooting
Problem I Stdrung
Cause 1 Ursache
Valve does not swtch I AIM leakage downstream (solerwd
valves, other components) /
Festo solenoid valves connected downsteam can
be pressurized slowly only wtthout appljed voltage.
Exceptions to this are those with the auxiliary prlot
Subject to change
Festo KG Postfach II-73726 Esslingen
Petroleum ether I
water (max. +6O'C)
5.2 Druckluft-Filter
leeruna kann such ein automatisch arbettender
WA-l) eingeschraubt werden.
2. Reinigen von Filterpatrone und Fiiterschale
Die Fllterpatrone mug bei starker Verschmutzung
von Leistungsabfall).
links drehen und Sinterfilter entnehmen
5.3 Druckluft-oler
1. Einstellung der Tropfenmenge
Die Tropfenmenge wlrd an der Einstellschraube @
dreht). Fur die Praxis reIchen 1 bis 12 Tropfen auf
32, Teile-Nr. 152811)
6. Sicherheits-Einschaltventil
Leak inspectnn and rectr~f~cat~on.Turn off electrw
ohne diegende elektnsche Spannung langsam
werden. Ausnahme: Ventile
(0711) 347-0
in Steuerhilfs-



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