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AquaScape IonGen Faq page 14


IonGen™ FAQ
The water appears to be stained brown or brownish-green?
This is more than likely the result of organic debris decomposing in the
water feature.
Any of the following will help clear the water:
Use a debris net to physically remove organic matter from the bottom
of the pond.
SAB Stream and Pond Clean contains bacteria and enzymes to help
speed up and complete the break down of organic debris. Also
includes a powerful phosphate binder.
Rapid Clear Flocculent clears cloudy or discolored water by clumping
up suspended debris so it can be removed by the filter.
Water changes can be conducted. Always remember to use
Aquascape Pond Detoxifier when adding tap water to remove
chlorine and chloramines.
For more information on these water treatment products please

