Table of Contents



. Tuning

The Tuning setting allows the overall pitch of this instrument to be raised and lowered in 0.5Hz steps, and
may therefore prove useful when playing with other instrument.
 A ctivating Setting Mode
Depress the Soft pedal
The above combination of holding the Soft pedal while pressing C8 key will activate Setting Mode.
* If the Damper pedal is held while performing the above combination, Setting Mode will not be activated.
* If another key is pressed while depressing the Soft pedal, Setting Mode will not be activated.
 A djusting Tuning Value
Press B7 key repeatedly to increase the tuning pitch, or A#7 key repeatedly to decrease the tuning pitch.
* The tuning value can be adjusted within the rage of 427.0 to 453.0 Hz, altering by 0.5 Hz increments/decrements each time B7 or A#7 key is pressed.
* Press A#7 and B7 keys simultaneously to restore the tuning setting to the default value of 440 Hz.
 D eactivating Setting Mode
After adjusting the desired tuning value, depress the Damper pedal to deactivate Setting Mode.
* The tuning value will be stored and recalled automatically when the power is turned on.
While holding the Soft pedal, press and
hold C8 key (the top-most C key)
Release the Soft pedal,
then release C8 key
Decrease tuning pitch
Increase tuning pitch


Table of Contents

Table of Contents