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User Instructions - Laukhuff S.1 User Instructions

Universal slider action solenoid


Page 4
Feature 3: MODE (A)
The slider action solenoid has different operating modes for different applications
Mode 1
RS- Modd
Mode 5
ON-OFF mode
IP = Initial Positioning (for dual action)
The standard modes (with initial positioning) position the sliders upon activation. If, for example, the organ
is switched on with the stop switch engaged, the slider is moved to ON position irrespective of its current
The modes without initial positioning function do not position the sliders upon activation. If, for example,
the organ is switched on with disengaged stop switch and a slider is in ON position, the slider remains
where it is.
Should you discover after mounting the magnets, that the sliders operate in the oposite direction, it is very
easy to invert the operating direction of the slider magnet.
 normal direction of movement (on / off as indicated on the control board)
LED 8 off
 inverted direction of movement
LED 8 on
When the direction is inverted, the magnet moves to the indicated OFF-position when the control signal is
Aug. Laukhuff GmbH & Co. KG
Telephone: +49 7934/9160-0

User Instructions

Universal Slider Action Solenoid S.1
V2.0 – HW rev. 15 – SW rev. 1.7
Mode 2
Mode 6
ON-OFF mode
ON-OFF mode without
current feed when end
August-Laukhuff-Straße 1
Fax: +49 7934/616
Mode 3
RS-Mode without IP
Mode 7
position is reached
D-97990 Weikersheim
Mode 4
RS-Mode without IP
Mode 8
ON-OFF mode without
current feed when end
position is reached

