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Sanyo 000-31 Specifications
Sanyo 000-31 Specifications

Sanyo 000-31 Specifications

Concealed duct air conditioner & heat pump 24,000-31,200 btu/h 13.9-14.9 seer


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Concealed Duct

Air Conditioner

& Heat Pump
utilizing DC Inverter Technology
SANYO concealed duct air conditioners and heat pumps offer the
utmost in versatility in solving your cooling and heating needs. By utilizing
environmentally friendly R-410a refrigerant and DC Inverter technology,
the SANYO air conditioner or heat pump, automatically adjusts its
performance to meet the changing needs of the space while maintaining
the desired temperature. This leads to increased efficiencies, low energy
consumption and a very comfortable environment.
- Microprocessor Controlled Operation
- Wired Remote Controller
- Dry Mode
- Air Sweep Control
- Automatic Fan Operation/3 Fan Speeds
- Automatic Heating/Cooling Changeover
- Electronic Refrigerant Control Valve
- 1 Hour Off Timer
- 24 Hour Programmable Clock
- Night Set Back Capability
24,000-31,200 BTU/H 13.9-14.9 SEER
- Hot Start Heating System
- Automatic Restart in the Advent of a Power Failure
- Self Diagnostic Function
- Built In 0°F Low Ambient Control
- Extra Long Lineset Lengths (Up to 165')
- Integrated Condensation Drain Pump (Up to 20" of Lift
From Drain Pan)
- Whisper Quiet Operation
- 8" Supply Openings
- Convertible Return Air Openings (Side and Bottom)
Optional Accessories
- Insulated Line Sets
- Locking Wireless Remote Bracket
- Mini In Line Condensate Pumps
- Wireless Remote Control
- System Remote Controller (Capable of Controlling
up to 64 Systems)


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Summary of Contents for Sanyo 000-31

  • Page 1: Air Conditioner

    Air Conditioner & Heat Pump utilizing DC Inverter Technology SANYO concealed duct air conditioners and heat pumps offer the utmost in versatility in solving your cooling and heating needs. By utilizing environmentally friendly R-410a refrigerant and DC Inverter technology, the SANYO air conditioner or heat pump, automatically adjusts its performance to meet the changing needs of the space while maintaining the desired temperature.
  • Page 2 E 1 1583 Q 3135 E 1 1583 Above certificates were awarded to The product is produced by Sanyo Airconditioner Manufacturing(S) Sanyo Airconditioner Manufacturing(S) Sanyo Commercial Solutions A Division of SANYO North America 1062 Thorndale Avenue Bensenville, IL 60106 USA

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