Chapter 1: Overview - Premier MannersMinder Instruction Manual

Remote reward training system
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How it Works
While many training plans involve punishing bad
behavior, this one focuses on rewarding alternate
good behaviors. In the case of dogs that are unruly
or annoying when visitors come to the door, we will
focus on training Fido to run to and lie down
quietly at a specific location near the door.
There are five games. Each game takes an average
of 1-5 days to complete. Owners can practice in
short 10- to 30-minute sessions. We recommend
you train during low stress times such as during
TV commercial breaks so that you can keep the
sessions short, fun and relaxing. End sessions
while both you and your dog are still having fun.
Training is Divided
into Five Games:
• Game 1: Tone means a treat is coming
• Game 2: Targeting with the nose
• Game 3: Lie down and stay at a specific spot
• Game 4: Race to the rug or special spot on cue
• Game 5: Stay at the special spot for one minute
in the face of common front-door distractions.
What You Need
Item 1: Dog bed or rug where you will send
your dog.
You'll be sending your dog to a specific spot or
place on cue and, ultimately, this spot will be
located about 3-10 feet from the door and within
sight of the door, although during early practice
sessions you can put it in a more convenient
practice location. The best type of "place" to use
is a surface that's large enough for your dog to
comfortably lie down on such as a dog bed or a
small rug. Throughout this program we will refer to
the bed or rug as a rug.

Chapter 1: Overview

We will teach Fido to run to and
lie down quietly at a specific
location near the door.
Train during low stress times such as
during TV commercials.
Keep the sessions short,
fun and relaxing.
Use a rug or dog bed that's large
enough for your dog to comfortably
lie down on.
Rug or bed selected?
Final location selected?
Practice location selected?

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