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Xboard Product Manual page 4


- When you are driving XBOARD, make sure to take all safety measures such
as: wearing a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads and other protective gear.
- XBOARD may be used only for personal use and is not designed for
commercial applications.
- It is prohibited to use on the motorway
- Do not allow children, the elderly or pregnant women to drive it
- Do not drive after drinking or using drugs
- Do not carry items when you are driving XBOARD
- Please comply with traffic laws and give way to pedestrians
- Please be alert to things in front or far away from you. Keeping good vision
will help to keep you safe
- keep your body and legs (from the knees) straight on even ground
- Legs should be relaxed , knees slightly bent to help you balance when you
encounter uneven ground
- Make sure your feet are always riding on the pads
- Wear suitable sports apparel
- XBOARD should be driven by only one person and cannot be driven by two
or more people.
- User and his/her belongings should not exeed the maximum load (100kg).
Otherwise this will make it easier to fall or get injured during the course of
driving and even cause XBOARD functional damage.
- In addition, the driver should not be less than 20kg, which will prevent
driver from operating XBOARD, especially on the downhill, where driver
might be unable to reduce speed or stop safely
- Ensure the speed stays within the safety range
- If an accident occurs, please stay in place and wait for help
- If you drive XBOARD along with other users, keep distance between each
other to avoid collision
- You should always keep in mind your height has increased 11cm. Be
careful when you pass doors.
- When turning, keep your balance
- Do not be distracted when you drive XBOARD. Such as talking on the
phone, listening to music or engaging in other side-activities.
- Do not ride on slippery roads or rainy days.
- Do not effect reverse turnings at high speeds
- Do not drive in dark places
- Avoid driving in impediment and smooth surface such as snow, ice, mud,
slippery floor, puddles etc.
- Do not drive on road with obstacles such as twigs, litter, small stones etc.
- Avoid driving in narrow spaces
- Avoid driving on a steep slope
- Avoid driving in unsafe places, including flammable gas, steam, liquid, dust,
fiber, hair, which could impede driving and cause fire or an explosion
7. Usage of battery
This section mainly describes the charging method of XBOARD, how to
maintain battery, some security issues and battery specifications.
For users' safety and the maximum extent of prolonging the battery life and
improved battery performance, please follow the following operations using
the battery.
7.1 Battery power
You must stop driving if XBOARD displays low power. Otherwise it may
affect lifetime use and cause dangerous situations.
Don't use the battery if the following occurs:
- Emits odor or overheats
- Don't touch any leaking materials
- Children and animals are forbidden to touch battery
- The charger must be taken out before installing or driving.
- Battery contains dangerous substances. Do not open the battery and do
not insert anything into the battery.
- Please use the charger provided with XBOARD
- Don't charge the battery that has been overly discharged. It should be
discarded for safety.
- XBOARD battery should be disposed of according to local law.
7.2 Charging process
- Ensure charging port is dry

