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Safety Information - CompuSTAR R1700-FM User Manual

One-way fm remote


Safety Information

Please take these safety precautions i nto consideration under the following conditions :
1. Servicing the vehicle
When servi cing your automobil e (i . e. changi n g the oil , washing your car), the
C ompuStar system should be i n Val e t Mode. There is a safety shutdown switch under
the hood that deactivates the rem ote starter function i f the hood is open.
However, if the switch has been damaged or the switch has been i n stalled impr operly,
the vehicle m ay start w hen the
button i s pressed for 2 seconds, even if the hood is
2. Loani n g your vehicl e to others
Whenever you l o an your vehicl e to an i n dividual who i s not familiar with Com pustar,
you may want to put the vehicle in V al et mode. This wi l l prevent the borrower fr om acci-
dentall y activati ng the CompuStar auto-security system .
3. For manual transmissi o n vehicles
If the Compustar R1700-FM is i n stalled i n a manual transmission vehicl e , extra
precauti o ns are required because the Compustar does not moni t or the gear shift :
Under normal ci r cum stances, Reservation Mode is cancelled
I m p o r t a n t !
when a door or hatchback opens. Pl ease verify that the opening
of any door or hatchback cancel s Reservati on Mode. I f any of the doors or hatchback
are not moni t ored by C ompuStar because of im proper install ation or a faulty dome l i ght
swi tch, do not use the Com puStar and take your vehicle i mmediatel y to the deal e r f or
repai r. Do not set Reservation Mode i f the w i n dow(s) are open or if ther e is
anyone i n si d e the vehicle, this i n cl udes ani m al s . Remote start i nstal l ation i n a manual
transmi s sion vehi cle wi t h a convertibl e top is not recommended.
Remote : R1700-FM
R1700-FM is a One Way FM 4 B utton Remote.
Page 4
Remote Button Functions
0.5 sec
0.5 sec
0.5 sec
0.5 sec
2 sec
2 sec
3.5 sec
0.5 sec
0.5 sec
1 0
0.5 sec
0.5 sec
1 1
1 2
0.5 sec
1 3
2 sec
1 4
2 sec
Note : " "
Means, to press the button for 2 seconds.
( )
Means, to simultaneously pressing the buttons.
( )
Means, to simultaneously press the buttons for 2 seconds .
Remote Learn Routine
The Compustar system will allow up to three remotes to be programmed to one
vehicle. Please perform the following procedure to add or reprogram additional
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Lock. If held for 3.5 seconds, it will panic the system.
Auxiliary Option 1
Auxiliary Option 2
Auto -start Function - on/off
Trunk Release
Panic, Press
to shut off.
Horn - on/off
Valet Mode - on/off
Passive Locking - on/off
Timer Start Mode - on/off
Turbo Mode - on/off
Programming Menu 1- Installer Only
Programming Menu 2- Installer Only

