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Status Display Codes; Alarm Display Codes; Thermocouple Offset Option; Program Review/Recall - Orton autofire express Instruction Manual

Ramp/hold controller


Status Display Codes

Below is a list of normal display codes which indicate the controller mode of
IdLE - This is ready mode; No firing in process. This message will alternate
with the temperature display and/or any alarm messages that may occur.
dELA - This is the delay start mode. This message will alternate with the
delay time count-down if programmed.
Strt - This is a final prompt before starting a new firing. The Delay start and
Thermocouple Offset features are accessed from this prompt.
-On- - This is a short (5 second) display that indicates a new firing has
been started.
StOP - This is an Abort message; the firing was stopped early. This
message will alternate with the temperature display and/or any alarm
messages that may occur.
CPLt - This is a firing complete message; the firing ended successfully.
This message will alternate with the temperature display and the total firing
time from start to finish.
x-4 - This is a short (5 second) display of the Model number which
appears every time the controller is turned on.

Alarm Display Codes

In addition to Power failure alarms, these messages may be displayed if the
controller detects a problem during the firing.
tC -
This alarm indicates that the thermocouple sensor is no longer detected. The
controller can not operate without a thermocouple signal. In most cases, the
thermocouple has failed and will need replacement, or the electrical connections
for the thermocouple may be loose or damaged. Check the wiring for the
thermocouple and the physical condition of the probe inside the firing chamber.
tCr -
This alarm indicates that the thermocouple sensor is detected but the signal
is reversed. The firing was terminated. The thermocouple signal is a low voltage
direct current with +/- polarity. The controller will sense that the temperature is
traveling backwards from what is expected. In most cases, the thermocouple needs
reconnected properly. Check the wiring for the thermocouple.
This alarm indicates that the thermocouple sensor is no longer detected.
The signal was lost during and active firing and the firing was terminated. The
controller can not operate without a thermocouple signal. In most cases, the
thermocouple has failed and will need replacement, or the electrical connections
for the thermocouple may be loose or damaged. Check
An active delay time can be canceled by pressing the Program/Start
button any time during the delay count-down to begin the actual firing.

Thermocouple Offset Option

Thermocouple Offset allows you to correct the temperature display a few
degrees in a positive or negative direction. This can improve the controller
accuracy if the thermocouple probe is aged or if the firing results appear to
be slightly under or over fired. This offset allows you to make minor
adjustments to the firing temperatures without changing the programmed
heating or cooling temperatures.
Prior to the active start of any firing, the controller display will show a Start
prompt of Strt. This appears after the firing program selection and
programming. If a thermocouple offset is desired, press the Increase/Option
button to activate a thermocouple offset prompt. The display will show
tCOS alternating with the adjustable offset value. Use the
Increase/Decrease buttons to set the Offset and then press the Program
button when you are ready to return to the Strt prompt.
Thermocouple offset (tCOS) has a limited offset range of +/-20°F (+/-11°C).
A positive correction will increase the controller display temperature by the
amount selected. This will make the firing temperatures lower. A negative
correction will decrease the controller display temperature by the amount
selected, making the firing temperatures higher.
Program Review
Any time during an active firing, the Program Review feature can be activated
to show you the complete firing schedule on the controller display. Press the
Decrease/Review button to activate the Program Review. Each segment of
your firing schedule will scroll automatically on the display for a few seconds
each. To cancel the Review in process, simply press any button.
Program Review can also be activated when the controller is IdLE or during
program selection. After this type of Program Review, the controller
advances directly to the Strt prompt. The Review can be used to bypass
making any changes to the current firing schedule.
Program Recall
Program Review can be used to quickly select any firing schedule that is
already programmed into the controller memory. To select a saved program,
the controller should first be at the IdLE prompt. Press the Increase/Option
button until the display shows the desired program, then press the
Decrease/Review button to automatically load the program and to review the
program settings. At the end of automatic program review, the controller will
go directly to the Strt prompt and the firing can be started with one more
press of the Start/Stop button. Only use the quick program recall to start a
new firing if no changes are required for the entire firing program.
Options Menu
During an active firing, the Increase/Option button will activate an options
menu and scroll through the available options with each button press. These

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Autofire express